Cali Kid Corals

Jeremy did you pay your rent?

As for some of the other So. Cal posts on there...good old Sunset beach, located just a few miles from my hometown. I've only surfed there a few times, since its primarily a "kooks corner," but its a known hot spot for Juv. White sharks. Interestingly enought, I was a Bay Street just a few weeks before that sighting listed as well. In all my years, I have never actually seen a "local." I know, of course, that they have been right below me at more times that I want to remember.

...hoping to get a last summer/fall swell here in Philly, a friend was excited to go last week, but I was out of town for weddings. Just need one more good storm!
Of all weekends to leave town..... I do miss chasing the hurricanes, it sure beats the winter low pressures.

BTW, I write this while sitting on my butt working at a surf shop :D
sfboarders said:
@Jeremy, sure has been sharky this year.
@ Kyle you brought some boards to Philly with you?

People keep saying that but from talking to those that are wet every day, it's no more then many other years. IMO people are just more in tuned to it, and reporting has gotten that much better.. IE texting, the internet, etc
Around here, that's not been the case, WAAYYYY more sightings than usual South of AN it may be different though

@John, not at Jeff's @ Darin's (HMB Boardshop)
Talking N of the Gate... I have less contact with the wet ones around here now.