got ethical husbandry?

June '24 POTM Contest


Sponsorship/Public Relations
Congrats to last month's winner, @Don.Julio91 with this beautiful B&W image!
005_May24_POTM  (Don.Julio91).jpeg

June Contest Details:
Submit your best humorous image. Do you have picture that makes you giggle? Give

Submit your picture to me via DM and please give me some context to include with your picture. Description and why it's funny to you would be great.
You can win up to three times a year.
If you win three times, you can no longer submit photos for the rest of the year.

This month's prize package includes:
$50 LFS credit to one of our partner stores (Cali Kid, High Tide Aquatics, or Neptune Aquatics)

Open to Supporting Members Only
Theme: Funny Image with context and description
DM photo to @ReyDeFarts
Voting open to all forum members & guests
You can vote for more than one photo
Entries accepted until June 22nd at 11:59pm
Entries posted & voting starts June 23rd
Voting ends June 30th at 11:59pm
The winner is determined by the most votes
Winner announced July 1st

*** This month will be the last contest approved for funding by the BOD. If you would like to continue to have these contests, I would like to post a separate thread with a poll and open the discussion with the members to throw out ideas for other contests too. I want these to be fun and rewarding for you all. And it doesn't just need to be photography contests. So I would encourage you all to come up with ideas (not here), and we can discuss it and come up with a game plan for the BOD to review and approve before the next meeting! ***
Get your votes in! You have until June 30th to vote folks.

Thanks to everyone that went with the flow and had some fun with this month's theme.

Just a reminder to everyone, this is the last month of the photo contest. I apologize for any miscommunicated expectations at the beginning of the year. I was under the impression it was an annual budget for this contest, but I was mistaken. If you like these contests, please let it be known because otherwise, it will be difficult to justify the expense. Thanks again everyone for allowing me the opportunity to help BAR with these contests.