Cali Kid Corals

Karma hunts you... This fast?

I bought six T5 lamps to replace some of mine and test colors, PPaled $60 then this happens. Bulbs arrive shattered, all of them. My brother said that it was a nice way to send bulbs inside a PVC pipe.
Excited go down to the basement to test the bulbs but wait, something is not right, rattling noise inside so I open the tube by only pulling the duct tape and glass comes out, none of the bulbs survived, guess I can pass them as DBTC frags, anyone?
Contacted the seller immediately and was courteous, seemed to be willing to cooperate. Later no response and I asked for my refund, noticed too that the bulbs had no padding at both ends of the PVC, just duct tape; to me USPS is responsible for handling a FRAGILE labeled package in a really bad way BUT little more attention on the way of ensuring bulbs had no chance of breaking could have made the difference. Offered me a 50% off on my refund what..%^&** :X then plain deny any money back. Initiated the PP dispute process and escalated, seems to "ESCALATE" for Paypal means buyer is basically screwed; in a nano-second an e-mail received stating after the "Investigation" blah blah blah screw you blah blah blah.
I posted feedback on RC of the seller , could not pm him anymore, for some reason had his privileges revoked "Permanently"; e-mailed him but nothing...
I logged into Nano-reef forum, thing that I normally don't, just browse
There was the same user name selling a colony of PH for $1200, this hobby is a small world indeed, someone linked to my thread on RC and immediately caused user to wonder about the new guy selling a highly priced coral.
...then I post a reply last page !!
Sweet Mother of Jesus !!! had an immediate refund to my PP account !!!!!!! :O
BTW yeah right I'll buy from him again...

Please feel free to post the moral of the story