High Tide Aquatics

Kessil light options for a Waterbox Marine X 90.3


Supporting Member
Hi! I just ordered a Waterbox Marine X 90.3 which measures 35.4" x 19.7" x 21.7" along with one Kessil AP9X. I plan to create an SPS dominated tank. Technically, the light fixture is rated to support this size tank but I've noticed that there are several people who decided that this single light alone wasn't enough for optimum SPS growth and color given everything else in their system is optimal. Is this a valid conclusion based on customer feedback and in house testing? If I wanted to add additional Kessil lighting, would it be better to go with one more AP9X and run them right next to eachother? Or perhaps add two A360X or A360XE on both sides of the AP9X?

I have the option of buying two used A360X or two new A360XE. Any suggestions and experiences with this proposed setup are appreciated!

I would save your money until you have colonies growing in. You'll likely need to add some additional light in the future (mainly for spread) but won't need it for quite a while. By the time you need the light (1 year plus) there will be new technology, cheaper used stuff, your preferences may have changed, etc etc etc.
Also, the overlighting of newly established tanks seems to be a root cause for the various dino issues folks are having. Therefore, good advice to go slow with the lights in the beginning. Check the PAR early on to minimize this.

Agree with this 100% and is another big reason to go easy on lighting for a while. I think it’s very common to cook new tanks with way too much light.
You'll see a lot of old school reefers went with ambient or weak light only and fish for months before adding high light coral. The old "rule" was 9+ months before adding SPS. New dry rock plus high light usually leads to the more modern issue of "ugly stage" that takes up to a year + of fighting nuisance algae.

The other cool thing we learned on the tour is that Kessil hasn't raised the price of the A360 in 4 years and the XE puts out something like 15% more light (plus newer versions of the same lights iterate and get better behind the scenes with improvements to thermal management or reliability).

Grab some pest free established rock+sand from @under_water_ninja High Tide or @robert4025 at Neptune and start getting everything seeded.