Reef nutrition

Liver Disease Awareness Month


Supporting Member
October is liver disease awareness month. With my mom passing away at the end of April of this year I wanted to bring awareness to the disease that took her life. She passed away from Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) which lead into Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

It’s just like cancer in the way it’s a silent killer. You don’t know you have it until you have symptoms and by then it can be too late.

It doesn’t have to be a silent killer if you know what the risk factors are and you talk with your doctor about it. This disease affects mostly type two diabetics that are overweight. But it can also affect lean or non obese people.

So please if you or you know someone with the risk factors please talk with a doctor and have blood work done to check your liver function. If it’s caught early enough it can be reversed.
