
Looking For Support


Supporting Member
This year's Alzheimers Memory Walk will take place on September 11 at Mission Creek Park, right by AT&T Park in San Francisco. This will be Theresa and my fourth walk. It's a really fun day of walking, music and eating (of course), all for a great cause.

The reason we walk is because Theresa's mom has late stage Alzheimers. In the last six years, the disease has changed her from a sharp, loving independent woman to one that just sits there and mumbles. She doesn't know anyone and has to be bathed, dressed, fed and changed. It's very sad what this disease can do to a person's mind.

The Memory Walk is the Alzheimer's Association's main fundraiser. The Association provides both money for research and services to sufferers and their families.

So come join our team or donate to the cause at or PM me for more information.

Thank you
We're looking forward to the Walk on Saturday. I'm glad you'll be able to make it. We got an email saying that we are one of th top 30 or so fundraising teams, so we will get a table where we should be able to meet and eat. I'll PM you my # to make sure we can meet there.

Fundraising for this awesome cause is down this year, so if you can possibly contribute something to the Memory Walk, it would be very appreciated. Contributions can be made at
Thank you