High Tide Aquatics

Marine Betas - Anyone keep 'em successfully?

I recently bought a Marine Beta a few days ago on impulse, and finally, while reading up on 'em, I realized they are very picky eaters. I can't tell if mine is eating 'cause it prefers hanging out in the caves, where I can't see its behavior. Has anyone kept one before? And if so, what kind of foods can you recommend?
I've kept them in the past and had very good luck with them, the only thing (as you have noticed) is they can take a while to adapt to your garden variety fish chow. I make sure they eat before I buy, not that they can't be tempted with a feeder guppy or two or grass shrimp, those only get a response out of them, then you need to wean them over to chunks of shrimp and silversides.
Thanks for the advice, Jeremy. Looks like I might be in a bit over my head. I'm sure I can find some feeder guppies at the lfs, but where can I find grass shrimp and eventually, silversides?
Holy crap. I just saw the Beta opens its mouth while drinking in some water, and it has a lot bigger mouth that I imagined. I think it may be eating, tho'. I put in 6 chromis yesterday, and now I only have 4.