Cali Kid Corals

My fat ass vol.2

Ok, you've seen me in a skirt addressing Tongan royalty and Parliament
Now you can see me fragging coral in a Dremel promo
Just in case you're really, really really bored sometime!
Mr. Jim "The Dremel" Adelberg!!!

Way cool Jim. That newsletter is read by a major amount of people!@!!
But he could have cleaned the old shipping boxes up and done it on a nice table or something :lol:

Sorry Jim, I had to post what I emailed you :p
tuberider said:
Damn Jim, I think they just got your bad side, or are you really that big boned? :D

Amazing where you can pop up in the reefing world :)
Not exactly, as you know the camera subtracts 10 pounds!
Pssh....I call it something else but ok :lol: Doesn't detract from it in any way FWIW. just nit picking!