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Newbie looking for some advice - Toadstool Leather Coral

I recently received this coral from a local reefer and was doing well in my tank for a few days. It started to retract and shed which i believe is due to the parameter changes and has stayed that way for about a week or two now. I started to notice some discoloration towards the foot. Is this a process of shedding or is the coral on it's way out? Anything i can do to help it? I recently did testing and did a water change after noticing some nitrates and ammonia due to overfeeding and stuff. I know these corals can stay in this shedded state for a while, but nothing was mentioned of that discolored foot.


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I'm a beginner, but I can tell you that my first coral was a softie (nepthea tree) and it looked so bad within a week that I nearly threw it out, but I left it in and it gradually adapted to my tank and recovered. Any idea what your phosphate is? Mine was 0, so I started dosing phosphate. I'm not sure whether the coral's recovery was related, it wasn't very scientific. But the coral is currently very happy in my tank.

Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in, but for now, please don't throw the coral out!
Toadstools regularly shed a waxy coating every few weeks. Try using a turkey baster to blow off anything on it.

They're some of the least sensitive corals in our tanks so I doubt it's a parameter issue.
It looks fine to me when they shed the outer layer the lower sections of them can become black but not always. It’s standing tall and erect. If it was stressed it would go limp noodle and be bent over. I have several types of leathers I'm no expert yet speaking from my own experiences with the ones I have.

Make sure It’s getting some flow it helps it shed as well as turkey baster could help as you were recommended. I personally only make sure they are in range of the wave makers. Very very tough corals most other things would suffer before they do.