Neptune Aquatics

Not at all reefing related


Supporting Member
First i would start with a disclaimer:

I'm am in no way attempting to sway, convert, convince, argue, or debate with anyone about this topic. I have no hidden motives here, thus I have no expectation of anyone actually watching it. (Though if you get bored, or decide to check it out. I would vaule any thoughts or impressions on it provided the intent isn’t to argue or debate)

I have for the first time today shared this part about me, with other groups and people i associate with. It’s not something I make any effort to hide, yet It’s something I've never made an intentional effort to share as well.

I preach at my non denomnational church on occasion. This is my most recent message given this last Sunday.

Again only sharing in an attempt to open up more about lesser know aspects of myself in a effort to be more friendly.

Indcluded are two links of the same video.

One for Facebook one for youtube
I start speaking at about the 32: minute mark.

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Thanks for sharing this side of you brother. That can be tough to do in various circles, because the condemnation and persecution is very real. I'm caught between trying to listen to your whole teaching and having to get work done at the same time. LOL

I will definitely listen to it all later when I get a chance. I appreciate the insight into your required nap times as a child. Too funny! Also, the insights into the various religions and their interpretations of the afterlife. The every lasting gut feeling and soul trying to understand our purpose.
