Cali Kid Corals

Pod survival through powerheads/pumps

OK……there has been conjecture about the ability of pods being able to survive a trip through a powerhead or pump. I now have an answer, at least a partial answer. At BAYMAC (a VERY expensive day trip) we picked up a CPR Aquafuge II . Being the impatient person I am it’s been placed on the back of the tank and circulating with nothing in it for a couple of days now. This evening I turned on the light to look at the space inside and the floor of the fuge has pods on it. Not a ton yet, but at least a dozen. The only way in is through the powerhead (the fuge was filled by turning on the powerhead not manually). So it appears that pods can make the journey and not get chopped.

BTW – BAYMAC was awesome!

They themselves really don't have a problem passing through them. Some egg sacks may get knocked off, it it's not that hard on them. The impeller will push them out of the way.

I've seen +4" fish (wrassses) pass through a 5800gph commercial pump while working in wholesale.
GreshamH said:
I've seen +4" fish (wrassses) pass through a 5800gph commercial pump while working in wholesale.

it must have felt like this:


now back to the question, FWIW ive seen pods sucked up by a Dart return pump and come out alive...only to swim away and get eaten...tough little buggers they are
It's really not about being tough though.

They don't have the same relationship with water we do. They don't swim through it, they pull themselves through it. An impeller will not hit them, it pushes them out of the way ;)
What about amphipods? I know copes get caught in surface tension, but seems like most decent-sized amphipods interact in the expected way with water.
what about through foarm, I see lots of pods swiming around in my reactor, but I'm not sure if they can get out.
Depends on the porosity of the foam really. What pump/foam we talking about here?
so the foam in the reactor is what your asking the question about? Copepods will make it through that just fine. Most life stage of amphipods and mysids will as well, but not the sub adult and adults.