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Pulsing/hairy sinularia polyp extension


Supporting Member
Seeking advice or experience from those with pulsing/hairy sinularia or similar coral. Recently bought this pulsing sinularia a month ago. First photo is the colony I got it from. Second photo is my frag. Why doesn’t my frag (which is pretty large 5inches tall) have those lovely polyp extensions of the mother colony? Is it frag trauma, or maybe a cutting from a part of the colony that just didn’t have long polyps? Did anyone who DBTC’d a pulsing sinularia have this same issue?

I just got a frag of the same stuff from @divewsharks 2 days ago and mine has seemed to acclimate quickly. Any sort of unique reefing method you adhere to, or is it an ultra low nutrient system?
Mine is ultra low nutrient, with significant macroalgae, but fed phyto at least once a week, salt is red sea pro coral. Do you think it’s a phosphate/nitrate low issue?
It could be a mix of frag trauma and adjustment time. Corals often need some time to acclimate to new conditions, and they might not show their full potential right away. Also, the cutting might have come from a part of the colony with shorter polyps, so it could be a genetic thing too.
It could be a mix of frag trauma and adjustment time. Corals often need some time to acclimate to new conditions, and they might not show their full potential right away. Also, the cutting might have come from a part of the colony with shorter polyps, so it could be a genetic thing too.
Hoping it’s just time I need, but this one is giving no hints if the polyps even have the potential to be “hairy'. I can see a lot of people have frags that still retain their full polyp tentacles.