Neptune Aquatics

Questions on zoas


Supporting Member
Hello there I had question on zoa’s if anyone would be kind to help. I have a rock with some zoas but there are a couple that stretch out towards the light and I’ve heard that they need more light but I have other zoas farther away from the light that doesn’t stretch out towards the light, all my zoas are growing should I up the light or leave them be? Thanks in advance for tips or suggestions.


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The zoas themselves could probably take some more light. However, there's a trachy and other meat coral next to it which might not appreciate it so much

Different zoas respond differently to the same amount of light as well, so while hotspots/internal reflections might exist it could also be the strain of zoa. If they're putting out new polyps the light's probably "good enough" and the rest is up to you. For what it's worth, I have some zoas that are plenty healthy and receive enough light, which, if you irritate them, you can see that they do extend off the rock a fair bit. But they grow and look great so I don't feel the need to cook them
The zoas themselves could probably take some more light. However, there's a trachy and other meat coral next to it which might not appreciate it so much

Different zoas respond differently to the same amount of light as well, so while hotspots/internal reflections might exist it could also be the strain of zoa. If they're putting out new polyps the light's probably "good enough" and the rest is up to you. For what it's worth, I have some zoas that are plenty healthy and receive enough light, which, if you irritate them, you can see that they do extend off the rock a fair bit. But they grow and look great so I don't feel the need to cook them
i appreciate the advice! And that sunkiss bounce you gave me it’s looking good!
Could always get small frag rack to try shifting 1-2 up a few inches that are streching to see if it makes a difference. I wouldn't overly worry but example other zoas near those seem happy with the light. Sometimes if you moved them 2 inches they might stop streching. You could also try target feeding rhem just to see if it makes any difference. Overall they look good.