
Replacing Filter from RODI unit


Past President
I have a spectrapure Maxcap RODI unit that has two DI filters. One is a Mixed-Bed and Hi-Silica (Max Cap) and the other is a Mixed-Bed Multi-Layer Deionization Cartridge (the Silica Buster).

Can I just replace thse with any DI filters or am I married to Spectrapure cartriges. They seem to be pretty expensive to replace (about 80 for the 2). Was thinking of buying the refillable DI cartriges from BRS and using their Nuclear color changing resin for both cartridges to save about $40-50 but don't want to cheap out if I am going to screw something up. My TDS pre filtered is about 40.
You can replace out the Mixed-Bed DI with anything else.

I run a Max Cap as well. When it runs out I just might change it to another DI cart.

You are basically running two DI carts