Cali Kid Corals

Simple Question


Supporting Member
Bought some salt water from Ming 2 or 3 weeks ago. Do I have to aerate it or anything before using it for a water change? Thanks
I let my water sit in the mixing container for a week at a time and never had and issue.. with just a powerhead in it, but not a lot of surface movement so I doubt it's getting aerated. The act of pouring the water into the tank aerates it quite a bit. I think you'll be fine. :)
ok - makes sense! mine is typically 8.0 (or within 0.05 of that) when I dump it in.. I don't aerate it much but perhaps while xfering it from the container to the 7gal jugs that does the trick. hrm.
To be honest I never check to see what the ph is before I pump it in. I usually pre-mix the salt and water overnight and then pump it in when I'm ready.
I always just throw in a heater into my new water and swish it around before dumping it into the tank.

The basement temp is always really cool, so I'd hate to kill my livestock with cold water shock... if that's even possible =/
If you are doing small frequent water changes then you can use the make up water 1/2 day after mixing it, if you are doing large water changes then make sure to airate it atleast 24 hours. Either way make sure the parameter are matched pretty close to your tank