
Stacked/nested buckets stuck together ... solution found!


Supporting Member
Hi guys! Maybe this isn't a huge problem for most people but ... I've had a bunch of "Salinity" salt buckets stored away and they became SO STUCK that I was about to toss them all, but I needed them!

There is nothing to get your fingers on and even if you try to pull them apart, you are actually just tilting them against each other (unless you can get your hands to either side and pull on that tiny tiny ledge around the bucket.

I broke off most of the handles trying to separate them and ended up with two seperated buckets, a stack of 4 buckets and a stack of two buckets. Also, Cookie Jar gave me some new ones and half were stuck together!

So before I tossed the awkwardly tall stack o' buckets, I decided I'd give one last try ...

I fired up my air compressor, pointed the nozzle at the edge of the bottom bucket (not even IN the lip, just aimed AT it)... WHOA! Within one second (literally) the buckets just levitated themselves out of the bottom bucket!

I separated all the buckets this way! Seriously, I didn't even have to try and wedge the compressor nozzle in between the bucket rim, I just pointed it at it and the air just easily found its way in between the buckets and hovered the buckets apart!

I kick myself for wasting so many fingernails and breaking so many bucket handles!

Sure, not everyone has stuck stacks of buckets, but if you do...and you have a compressor (or know someone that does) it only takes one second to separate them!

I wonder if a can of compressed air, like those sold for spraying computer keyboards would also work? That would alleviate the need for the compressor.

Hehe, that's a pretty good solution. Also, if you twist the buckets in opposite directions while pulling upward on the top bucket, you can usually get them separated that way as well too. :)
The problem for me was getting a good grip. Believe me I tried twisting!

I had considered pouring water on them to lubricate the bottom one, didn't try it as it would have made it even more unpleasant and slippery to grip.

I thought it was a suction issue, but even breaking the suction didn't help much.

However, now that I figured out the air compressor thing, I'll feel better about stacking them, since storing them unstacked is just a waste of space.

a trick we used at salmon hatcheries was to take a 1' piece of nylon rope and tie it to the handle. let it hang there when u are using it. when you go to stack them, take the piece of rope and toss it in the bucket. it doesnt let the air stick them together. works without fail. the old step and roll em works pretty good too.
The air compressor trick works for other things too.

If you are into bicycling or motorcycles and you want to replace your hand grips, just lift up one end just to get a compressor nozzle under it and spray. You can get them exactly where you want (or off) and never have to deal with grip glue, soap, or them moving around later.