
Taxi SF Richmond district to San Jose


Supporting Member
I had too much fun at the swap and forgot to pick up the dosing pump from @Turkeysammich today. If anyone is going from SF Richmond district to SJ, it would be greatly appreciated if you could pick the pump up and leave it at Clearwater Aquarium or somewhere I can bike to.

Speaking of the swap though, i’m super appreciative to the BOD, volunteers and sponsors who made it possible. You guys made my first swap so memorable :)
Forgot to mention: I will be away in two weeks, so it does need to be picked up as soon as possible so I get time to set it up and test run it.
Is shipping an option? If it's not too much hassle for you, I think there are services to mail these kinds of things. I do not know how fast they deliver though, and the trip is looming.