High Tide Aquatics

Thank you very much ......Tapmorf

As some of you know , Tapmorf (Joyce) is moving out of state, she contacted me and asked if I can take the coral she had set aside in her nano tank. Joyce had considered taking them with her but decided that it was going to be too stressful for both her and the corals. I explained to her that after letting corals sit in my tank a couple of weeks , then I can start the dbtc process of her corals, she also left me a list of those corals which she originally received as dbtc (those will go in as 2nd generation dbtc).

Joyce ...thank you for having considered me in handling your corals and for leaving them to be put back into the DBTC program. Good luck with your move and God bless.

Oh :( I'm sad she gave up her nano. How considerate of her to put all her favorite corals into the club.

Wishing you and your family all the best Joyce! :D