An absolute beast of a grazer!! If you've got hair algae I've got just the solution for you!
LF a person who is interested in a pretty average sized sea hare, about 2 inches in length, who will mow down a patch of hair algae. He clocked in about a week ago for my tank and his job is done so wanted to see if anyone is interested in getting him over into their tank.
No cost payment necessary, open to getting a frag thrown my way but in no way is that required.
LF a person who is interested in a pretty average sized sea hare, about 2 inches in length, who will mow down a patch of hair algae. He clocked in about a week ago for my tank and his job is done so wanted to see if anyone is interested in getting him over into their tank.
No cost payment necessary, open to getting a frag thrown my way but in no way is that required.