Reef nutrition

Trachy help


Supporting Member
Derek gave me a trachy a few weeks ago. It has not done well under my care. What am I doing wrong? I'm really baffled, and would like to provide the best care I can for this coral.

It sat in a cup for between 4 and 6 hours, if you include car drive, during the exchange at CFM. Quickly dipped it in 2LF revive, and then iodine day 1 - I think the transportation stress may have kickstarted its decline. Since then, it's hardly inflated - some parts hug the skeleton, some parts are puffed out a cm or so.

Originally I put it in a spot that was likely receiving too much light (150par), and one corner paled slightly. Since then I've moved it to a back corner where it gets about 65 par and low low flow. I've avoided feeding it, and have iodine dipped it twice, a week apart, since the first dip.

I tried feeding it once near the beginning, it was unable to eat much. The day after it "ate" it looked real bad so I did an iodine bath, and during (reasonably gentle) basting, food and some mesenterial filaments got blown out of one of its mouths, carried by water entering the other mouth. That seems real bad. This never happened again, even with me tentatively basting it the next time I dipped.

All this is happening, by the way, while SPS are growing better than I've ever seen them grow, and I'm actively rescuing a bailed torch (has been alive for nearly a month and seems healthier than when I got it). Everything in my tank seems to be enjoying life, except for this one.

It has only been 2 weeks, with lots of 'bothering' during this time, but I still worry.

Parameters details:

Ca: 470
dkH: 9
Mg: 1400-1500
NO3: 25
PO4: 0.05
pH 7.8-8.0
Salinity: 35ppt
Water change schedule: 10-15%, 1x/week (volume dependent on if I need to clean filter things / remove detritus)



Highlighting the gaping mouth and showing some of the paling on the lower left corner where I think it got a bit much light in the original first spot.
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