So basically I will be having both of my tanks running in one room. Bad thing is there’s only 3 different outlets in the room. Only one is 3 prong, the other two are the old two prong outlets. Never really understood all the electrical stuff but basically I’ve always only ever had 1 tank on one of those outlets and of course the nearest one is 2 prong so I had to get a long extension cord from the 3 prong to reach the tank. Probably not the safest thing. Now that I need two tanks running in the room, I want to get things upgraded so I don’t have to worry about it. I live in an apartment and they’re ok with me upgrading them but they wont pay for the upgrades. I’m guessing this isn’t something I can DIY? I’m thinking of either reaching out to a local company or there is also electricians on Task Rabbit which are licensed/insured that can do the job with an hourly rate of ~$100/hr which seems reasonable, I’d have to get the materials but they don’t seem to costly. Not sure how much a company would charge. There is one outlet on each 3 walls, minus the wall that has a closet. Should I make the nearest one near the tanks GFCI and the other one 3 prong? One of the other ones is already 3 prong. Any thoughts or input appreciated