High Tide Aquatics

Very pregnant sexy shrimp


Supporting Member
I have one sexy shrimp that has lots of what seem to be somewhat developed eggs. How can I get those babies to adult size? It would be so awesome to have a little swarm of baby sexy shrimp.

I am pretty sure the eggs have eyes already.


OK so in the time it took me to write this and for a response to come in (while I did research) it appears she dropped or hatched the eggs….. Somewhere into the tank

The other female also appears to have eggs just way less developed. No eyes yet
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I would think they'd hatch as free swimming larva. When I've had hermit crabs, cleaner shrimp, and pithos crab spawn, it's usually thousands of tiny swimming larva that get released at night. By end of the next day they're usually gone. Either eaten, sucked into the filters, or hiding somewhere. Isolation is definitely your best bet.
Cannot find any babies in the tank, nor the egg bundle if she dropped the whole thing, spooked by a fish or something. Hoping the currently pregnant female doesn't do the same - I have her isolated in a cup floating in the tank, with bubbles and a small piece of LR.

Should I be keeping her in the container for the two weeks till hatch? Or should I try to catch her once she gets further along?