Cali Kid Corals

Which sea water would you use?

I just recently setup a 10g reef tank that just finished fish less cycling, so now I need to do a major water change before adding a clean up crew.

I don't plan on mixing my own sea water.

I was able to go to Reef Raft NorCal today and I was informed that they sell D&D and Instant Ocean already pre-made. And was told that they use D&D in their own tanks.

Would you recommend the natural sea water sold by Neptune Aquatics? Or D&D or Instant Ocean sold by Reef Raft?

I have been using nsw from Neptune's. It is my understanding that it comes from Monterey Bay Aquarium.
I personally would use salt mix and not NSW. You have more control that way and there's no risk of anything unwanted being in the water. NSW is also really expensive and seems like a waste of money to me.

I'd recommend mixing your own water since its less expensive that way and you have control over the salinity. Its really easy to mix salt, especially for a little 10 gallon. All you'd need is a small bucket, a little heater, and a powerhead. You just add the salt and let it mix overnight and you're good to go. However, if you really don't want to mi your own, then you could buy the premixed saltwater. If its just plain Instant Ocean, I wouldn't use that because its not formulated with the correct minerals for reef aquariums, such as Alk, Ca, Mg. Reef Crystals, which is made by Instant Ocean however is great for reef tanks. That's what I use. I'm not familiar with D&D, but it looks like its formulated for reef tanks, so that would probably be just fine.
I personally would use salt mix and not NSW. You have more control that way and there's no risk of anything unwanted being in the water. NSW is also really expensive and seems like a waste of money to me.

I'd recommend mixing your own water since its less expensive that way and you have control over the salinity. Its really easy to mix salt, especially for a little 10 gallon. All you'd need is a small bucket, a little heater, and a powerhead. You just add the salt and let it mix overnight and you're good to go. However, if you really don't want to mi your own, then you could buy the premixed saltwater. If its just plain Instant Ocean, I wouldn't use that because its not formulated with the correct minerals for reef aquariums, such as Alk, Ca, Mg. Reef Crystals, which is made by Instant Ocean however is great for reef tanks. That's what I use. I'm not familiar with D&D, but it looks like its formulated for reef tanks, so that would probably be just fine.

Good advice. Thank you.
For a 10 gallon tank it might make sense to just buy your salt water already mixed.
Mixing it is easy enough if you have the time and the space. If you mix it yourself you may want to invest in a water purification system. otherwise your buying purified water so you can mix it with salt. :)
For a 10 gallon tank it might make sense to just buy your salt water already mixed.
Mixing it is easy enough if you have the time and the space. If you mix it yourself you may want to invest in a water purification system. otherwise your buying purified water so you can mix it with salt. :)

The 10g tank is at my work, so I don't have the time and space.

If I'm only doing a 10% water change per week a 5 gallon container would last me a while. I would only be going to my LFS about once a month to purchase water.

I'm still undecided about using nsw from Neptune Aquatics or using pre-mixed synthetic from the newly opened Reef Raft NorCal.
It will just come down to whats more convenient. With my personal experience in pico keeping, you will want a larger water change. Lean towards 30-50% weekly since you are not running a skimmer. That was a large key to the success of my 5g pico. I personally would just take my 5 gallon jug or bucket and get premixed water from the LFS weekly instead of buying boxed water.

Ask them what the parameters are on the water, if anything, just run your own tests to see.

The way I did it was to buy 1 bucket of salt (mixes 160 gallons and lasts a LONG time) and made my own. I would just purchase distilled from the grocery store and mix it up and do my water changes.

GL with the nano, they are fun!
Well, it would be nice to support a new store of course!

I have had no problem with Instant Ocean. Steinharts uses Instant Ocean, I believe...or it did when I went on a tour there and say the gigantic bags of it.
Well, it would be nice to support a new store of course!

I have had no problem with Instant Ocean. Steinharts uses Instant Ocean, I believe...or it did when I went on a tour there and say the gigantic bags of it.

In the last two tours they said they use IO for just NaCl. They make up their own from there.
I use the D-D H2Ocean reef salt and would highly recommend it. The only drawback is that it's hard to get in SF and I usually end up having it shipped to me from marinedepot. It's good to know that Reef Raft is carrying it now.