Neptune Aquatics

Yellow-Scopas tang hybrids @ Clearwater


Supporting Member
Today they just got in some fish - many tangs, emperor angel, shrimpgobies, etc.

They have seahorses if you’re into that.

Here’s a pic I snapped in a hurry - this is one of their fish-only tanks
That’s cool, how much where they?

Nice way to get the color into the tank and not break the bank I hope. I know mimics turn brown once they get old, wonder what happens with these.
Did not look at pricing because I don’t have a big tank, but they’re usually very, very fair with the pricing - BAR members get a 10-15% discount, on top of the already-decent price. For more specifics I’m pretty sure you can call.

I’m not sure but I think these hybrids tend to stay yellow (slightly different from yellow tang color) but obviously individual fish will be different