
BAR donation tank at KMS

WAY cool classroom tank! You guys are awesome to do that for the kids!
Aside - Bruce, is your sand so fine that the goby's burrow keeps caving in? Would some bigger particles calm him down? That is crazy.
Actually it's fairly coarse sand. I just bought new sand for the new tank and Cos at Diablo Corals indicated it's a "4" on the "coarseness scale (out of eight from what I was told.) The sand in the old tank is much coarser than that. It's not the fineness of the sand that keeps it in the water column -- it's the constant sifting and lifting. He never stops!

After doing some research I've learned I'm not the only one. It's not uncommon with this species (Sleeper Gold Head Goby) that they rise so high in the tank to drop. I'm told that the Diamond Gobies don't do this -- and even most of the Gold Heads -- but if you google it you'll see many horror stories. But damn the sand looks amazing.
Mine won't jump out -- I tried. I even blasted Justin Beiber music loud enough to startle him or at least convince him to commit suicide (kidding.) This one actually has 666 emblazoned on his forehead. I've decided the only way to get rid of him is to break down the entire tank -- so I just bought a new one that's cycling.

Try sneaking up on it at 3am.
This tank got a chip in one of the corners and I’d like to replace it before trouble ensues. Anyone have a 40 breeder sitting around they want to part with?
Tank guy bob donated a 40 breeder and stand that I set up and will be maintaining at a local elementary school, Katherine Michiels school in sf. It will be a simple Reef with mainly softies, a couple "nemos" and another fish or two. Going to keep it simple as I can. Should give the little kids a good opportunity to learn about some science while enjoying an aquarium. Thanks to bob!
Also, of anybody has a smallish jaeger heater or a koralia 2-4 laying around that they would be willing to donate it would be helpfull. If not ill go ahead and buy stuff for it. Also, if anybody breeding clowns wants to donate a pair tht woul be super cool!
Edit: sorry thought the request was today lol