
BTA Size

After looking at JAR's in wall setup (very nice BTW. Especially with that nice FAT yellow tang!) I was wondering if all BTAs get that large or just the rose. I'd like to include one in my setup at some point, but if they all get that large it's not very practical for the size of my tank.

My green BTA has grown from about 4 inches to 8-9 inches since March, when I first introduced it to the 150 gallon system. It's the first anemone I have ever kept.
they all are different but yes they can get that large.....

i have a RBTA that was 10-12" across but now that it hosts 2 skunks he has shrunk to 4-5" across and iss happier than ever
eldiablosrt8 said:
they all are different but yes they can get that large.....

i have a RBTA that was 10-12" across but now that it hosts 2 skunks he has shrunk to 4-5" across and iss happier than ever

They shrink when they start hosting?

eldiablosrt8 said:
they all are different but yes they can get that large.....
That makes no sense if you are talking about E. quadricolor.

There is no difference between a E. quadricolor
that is red and one that is green, blue etc in terms of how large they can grow. They all can get about 12" although in captivity I have seen larger. FWIW I am talking body, not body + tentacles.
GDawson said:
eldiablosrt8 said:
they all are different but yes they can get that large.....

i have a RBTA that was 10-12" across but now that it hosts 2 skunks he has shrunk to 4-5" across and iss happier than ever

They shrink when they start hosting?


They can, but not all do.
GreshamH said:
eldiablosrt8 said:
they all are different but yes they can get that large.....
That makes no sense if you are talking about E. quadricolor.

There is no difference between a E. quadricolor
that is red and one that is green, blue etc in terms of how large they can grow. They all can get about 12" although in captivity I have seen larger. FWIW I am talking body, not body + tentacles.

That's too big.... :(

Any suggestions for a hardy anemone that tops out around 6-8 inches including tentacles?

get a mini carpet,LOL

when it the BTA gets large trade him for a small one..... or hope you get the one that loves to split and nevers really gets big. some split all the time
How big do the mini carpets get? I thought they were quite a bit smaller than that. Otherwise they're pretty cool looking.

maxi minis get about 3-4" I've been told

minis are small, like 1"
Jess, you said minis but I suspect you meant maxi minis?

minis are pretty much one color combo where as maxi minis come in a rainbow of color morphs.
jestersix said:
Biggest Maxi Min I had was almost 5 inches and ate anything that touched it. Minis stay about 1 inch and breed like flies...

It was a fish eater? Are there fish that avoid them? Or is it just an ongoing crap shoot?

Just curious, do BTA's require feeding? or just light?

My YBTA doesn't seem too happy, but I haven't been feeding it because I thought it just needs light... or are there other factors?
yellojello said:
Just curious, do BTA's require feeding? or just light?

My YBTA doesn't seem too happy, but I haven't been feeding it because I thought it just needs light... or are there other factors?

I prefer to feed small items like Roti-Feast, Arcti-Pods and Mysis.
I never feed mine and it is healthy and growing like crazy...
I got it as a around 1" and is now 5 and growing... I wish I could make it stop growing... lol
It was so cute when it was a tiny fella. :)
Light in many cases is just fine. Mine didn't get fed for years (he's been tanks for about 10 years now)