High Tide Aquatics

Clownfish covered in white film layer

Well, more bad news. The male also has it. The good news is I caught him after a 15 minute chase and gave him a 20 min bath in FW. Now he's in the QT tank swimming around. I'm not so good at fish pictures but you can see the white film on the back 1/2 of his body. This stuff really grows fast- yesterday I didn't see any and 24 hrs. later he's got a lot of it.
Is the 20 minute FW dip enough to rid it? And how long will it take for it lessen or disappear on him? Any other recommended treatment/ medication?

I read the 1st part of this thread about the formalin treatment. I'll give it a go- Gregory- where are you located? I'll take you up on getting a small amount of it. My QT is only 10 gallons so I don't need that much.
I'm in Vallejo......PM sent

BTW - 20 min FW dip by itself worked for me......the nets said 15 min but I lost one that way. It took a a couple of days for the white slime to disappear. And yes it is FAST. One clown went from no symptoms to completely white to dead in 48 hours.

Update- the male didn't make it either. :O That brookynella is really nasty stuff- takes a healthy fish out w/i 48 hrs.
I'll be looking to add some captive bred clowns, but I'll wait for at least 8 weeks to make sure it's run it's course and that no other fish die. I know Robin is the guru of clownfish breeding around here.
CookieJar said:
Update- the male didn't make it either. :O That brookynella is really nasty stuff- takes a healthy fish out w/i 48 hrs.
I'll be looking to add some captive bred clowns, but I'll wait for at least 8 weeks to make sure it's run it's course and that no other fish die. I know Robin is the guru of clownfish breeding around here.

I have 2 cute clowns from Robin in my tank and I think Vince had several as well. All are doing great, mine lay eggs now all the time and host my 5 nems
Yeah, I'll have to get some Robin clowns in a couple months. It gets me think about removing my frogspawn/ hammer colony and going the anenome route.
Houser- the most recent fish addition was 1 month ago of a yellow coris wrasse and he died within 3 days. Otherwise no new fish were added for a long time.
It could have been the wrasse. I found this with host information:

Brooklynella is a type of saltwater ich caused by an infestation of the ciliated protozoan Brooklynella hostilis. It is most closely and commonly associated with subfamily Clownfish members of the Damselfish family, and therefore is typically referred to as Clownfish Disease. Although this parasitic scourge similar to others requires a fish host to survive, it is not particular in its quest to find one. Angelfishes, tangs or surgeonfishes, wrasses, jawfishes, and seahorses among others will host Brooklynella.


For those following this thread: This is why you should have a QT tank for new arrivals, and yes I was
guilty too.
It only takes once to find religion.


FWIW it took 27 days on my last pair of clowns in Q to get the brook. One day fine, next morning the full mucus ghillie suit laying on the bottom. Picked em up, put them in formalin for an hour, cleared it up. I just feel the window is really short to operate.