High Tide Aquatics

The "Legend" of TubeRider's Looong Journey.

The key to achieving an ample flow pattern in a tank like this one is space, lots of open space, every rock is an obstruction. Planning your rock work is critical, it needs to be extremely simple, just a few small bommies, those bommies need to have impact whether it is shape or placement (or both) in order to achieve a compromise.
Episode II Part III
A new recruit bluevoodoo has joined the journey, although the latest news is that he fell off a cliff and broke his leg! Not sure if he survived, but from the look of it he was quite soiled from the battle of the whimsical box.
The journey has made us all very tired. The fight must go on, tommorrow the life water. Hope this goes well, it could possibly become a huge mess. :*
Trim and mechanical polish.

This is what it feels like to be a fabricator.
sfsuphysics said:
having the balls to do it is great, lets just hope you test in your shop before you build it for a customer :D
Episode III Part 1
The whimsical box has hatched after brewing for some time now.
It's now the time to add the precious life water, which may decide the outcome of this glorious trek!
Will it survive the battle with the astonishing pressures involved? Time will only tell....
