Our mission


Here are a few of mine... Couple of acans, neon toadstool, blue hornets, bi color hammer and ring of fire zoas


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I got an old school single polyp of Purple Death, couple Purple People Eaters; from Mike, Mistic Sunset (giving it a second try) Green Polyp Toadstool and from Jess, Green-Orange mushrooms.
Also from Bruce, a something something Jason Fox.
Did win some from the raffle, fish food.
No pics for now...
I got an old school single polyp of Purple Death, couple Purple People Eaters; from Mike, Mistic Sunset (giving it a second try) Green Polyp Toadstool and from Jess, Green-Orange mushrooms.
Also from Bruce, a something something Jason Fox.
Did win some from the raffle, fish food.
No pics for now...

:) Jason Fox Fox Flame
Glad to hear Your Reef was there, I know someone broke into their shop not too long ago.

He was there and because of an illness in the family he (john) was alone to set-up and run his tables. We were able to get a bunch of club volunteers to help him all day long and to get him set-up. As @Coral reefer said "it's good when the club helps good people." Bonus -- all BAR members now get a 10% discount at his store on non-sale items and with a few hard good restrictions. Extra Bonus -- I think his store is my favorite store for low cost frags and HUGE selection
It was a great idea to have the BAR table out front. That really helped with the foot traffic. I only worked the tab,e for an hour and I bet the club pulled in at least $200 during that time.
We made a killing with raffle tix sales! I didn’t get much at the market except a hammer frag and a fire shrimp, but it was fun to hang out and see everyone!
By far, This was the most successful show for us since Steve started the CFM a couple of years ago! It was great to get all the support for this event which allowed us to raise funds for future events.
Glad all went well, I remember that first CFM I manned the booth for a few hours and we literally had like some salt and other dosing items to raffle that were donated to us by vendors, plus they said we couldn't raffle corals because it would conflict with the vendors who are trying to sell corals, glad they changed their mind on that.
Glad all went well, I remember that first CFM I manned the booth for a few hours and we literally had like some salt and other dosing items to raffle that were donated to us by vendors, plus they said we couldn't raffle corals because it would conflict with the vendors who are trying to sell corals, glad they changed their mind on that.
Remember how small and hot that room was?