Neptune Aquatics

LF: UV sterilizer. Tank turned super cloudy in 3 hours.


Supporting Member
Hello all,
Does anyone have a spare UV sterilizer and willing to part with it? Even on a temporary basis?

My tank turned cloudy over the span of 3 hours tonight, and I’m just trying to be prepared just in case.


That's not a sterilizer solvable problem.

Looks like a bacterial bloom. Did you perhaps have something die in the tank or recently changed water?
Well, it'll clear up the water after awhile but it's not solving the root cause(s). So on the surface water is clear but underneath there could be bigger issues that persist or snowballs.

Plus, with bacterial blooms, the oxygen will get used up, so livestock might get impacted during. Potentially, it might shift the balance of things in the tank too.

Water changes are much more impactful to the problem than UV might. Since you are diluting the junk in the water to try to restore balance, imo.
ive got a green machine mini uv i would part with. i've had bacteria blooms like this (usually with bare bottom tanks) and dinos that it's knocked out. let me know if you want to try the UV, good suggestions above too
Took inventory of my livestock. All accounted for, except one cerith snail. I guess RIP?
Since one hermit magically is wearing its shell as a home.
Freaking Ed Gein of hermits!
Cerith snails do occasionally bury themselves in sand. So unless you see the empty she'll, I wouldn't count it as a loss just yet.
Cerith snails do occasionally bury themselves in sand. So unless you see the empty she'll, I wouldn't count it as a loss just yet.
Yep! I sifted my entire sand bed to look for the snail. I had a few spare shells as well in there, so it might be one of those.
Have since removed the spare shells from the tank, and will take another headcount in a few days.
Yep! I sifted my entire sand bed to look for the snail. I had a few spare shells as well in there, so it might be one of those.
Have since removed the spare shells from the tank, and will take another headcount in a few days.
You might want to put them back in as inventory for hermits if you have more than the one, it can cut down on the crab fights sorta