High Tide Aquatics

Throwing in the (salty) towel


After a series of unfortunate events and a healthy dose of neglect, my tank is a disaster. I've come to the realization that I'm not cut out for this. The pandemic gave me a false sense of confidence and a lot of time, but things have changed.

So, I'm going to keep my tank but switch to a lower-maintenance freshwater setup with some Oscars.

I need to find a home for my current fish and will be selling equipment once that is done.

I have a lot of fish and can't envision doling them out individually, so I'm looking for a way to rehome them all at once.
  • Powder Brown Tang 4" - @Twisted 2 yrs ago
  • Harlequin Tusk 5" - @Twisted 2 yrs ago
  • Blue Throat Triggerfish 4" - LiveAquaria 2 yrs ago
  • Green Bird Wrasse 6" - LiveAquaria 2 yrs ago
  • Gold-bar Maroon Clownfish pair - AC 2 yrs ago
  • Purple Tang 4" - Bay Bridge 1.5 yrs ago
  • Bristletooth Tomini Tang 5" - Bay Bridge 1.5 yrs ago
  • Six-line Wrasse 2" - Neptune 6 months ago
  • Melanurus Wrasse 3" - Neptune 6 months ago
  • Orange-striped Pencil Wrasse 4" - AC 6 months ago
  • Splendid Pencil Wrasse 3" - AC 6 months ago
  • Mandarin 2" - AC 1 yr ago
I'm not looking to make money off the fish - just want them to go to a good home. A few of them have been around the club for several years :)
Some clarifications are in order:

I'm looking for someone that will come to my house in Scotts Valley, help me pull out rocks and catch all the fish one afternoon, then take them away to a suitable system.
In exchange, all the fish are free. (I estimate they're worth over $1500)
I don't mind if you sell them - as long as they go to a good home.

The Tusk, the Trigger and the Green Bird Wrasse love to eat inverts. They will eat all shrimp, most crabs and will put a dent in your snail population.

The Tusk and the Green Bird can be very aggressive - although I added some peaceful, small wrasses to the tank after they had been established.

The Maroon clown pair is very docile - momma clown has never bitten me. I've had them since they were 1/2" babies. She's looking a bit under the weather since her anemones nearly died.

The Pencil Wrasses need sand to sleep in.
Super bummed to hear this but-

A) I understand. More than understand actually.
B) Some folks come back after a break. Maybe scaled-down and avoiding previous issues. No rush.
C) You’ve done more for the club than just about anyone else and I appreciate it.
I wouldn’t go that far, but I appreciate you appreciating what I have done.
Having both a saltwater and freshwater tank, the freshwater is definitely less maintenance and worry. Oscars seem like cool, interactive fish. If only I had a bigger tank.
Super bummed to hear this but-

A) I understand. More than understand actually.
B) Some folks come back after a break. Maybe scaled-down and avoiding previous issues. No rush.
C) You’ve done more for the club than just about anyone else and I appreciate it.
Agreed with this, and clarifying (just part of) what he's done for those unaware:

The BOD was looking for a solution to streamline and automate DBTC to make things easier. We looked into a commercial option for a while before svreef took it upon himself to create BARcode (which has been a huge success) completely from scratch.

Sorry to hear this, and I understand. Hopefully we'll still get to see you around these parts.
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