High Tide Aquatics

Potential Solution for SPS Pests: AEFW, Vermetid Snails, Etc.


Supporting Member
For those who have not seen it, a video was posted where Chris Meckley from ACI Aquaculture describes a method he is using to keep AEFW and other SPS pests under control at his coral farm.

In brief, he is dosing into the water volume small amounts of a pulverized fish flake infused with fenbendazole. Fendendazole is traditionally used as a dewormer.

I purchased one pound of the food which is pricey especially once you factor in the high cost of shipping charged by www.angelsplus.com. A little goes a long way so if anyone wants to buy an ounce or two for testing let me know.

I don’t think I have AEFW issues but my SPS have completely lost polyp extension. This is due to either a new angelfish, a recent tank reset, coral pest, or some other favor. I was planning to do a one month interceptor regimen but will try the fenbendazole route instead. If this doesn’t work then I may have to rehome my flame angel (one other factor to remove) so I may be offering that up for sale or adoption soon.
Check out the recent discussion here-

Fenbendazole kills a lot of desirable stuff in reef tanks so use with extreme caution. And if you do, post your results here please
Check out the recent discussion here-

Fenbendazole kills a lot of desirable stuff in reef tanks so use with extreme caution. And if you do, post your results here please
I will post my results if I try the regime. The challenge I have is I recently did a major tank reset where I reduced my coral load by 75% (switching to SPS dominant tank now) so I don’t expect to see much of an effect either way. The issue I am trying to diagnose currently is my SPS coral have lost their polyp extension. Not sure if this is due to the tank reset (likely major contributor), addition of a flame angel (I was not thinking!), or due to SPS pests (I cannot see any but I may be looking wrong). I figured I would add the fenbendazole fish food to my collection of solutions in my cabinet waiting for a problem to arise!
I will post my results if I try the regime. The challenge I have is I recently did a major tank reset where I reduced my coral load by 75% (switching to SPS dominant tank now) so I don’t expect to see much of an effect either way. The issue I am trying to diagnose currently is my SPS coral have lost their polyp extension. Not sure if this is due to the tank reset (likely major contributor), addition of a flame angel (I was not thinking!), or due to SPS pests (I cannot see any but I may be looking wrong). I figured I would add the fenbendazole fish food to my collection of solutions in my cabinet waiting for a problem to arise!

My vote is that it’s the angel.
These Angel’s Plus deworming flakes were also just recommended in another reefing video at the 41 minute mark. Incredible tank:

Have you used any magnification? Red bugs are tough to see with the naked eye
Yeah, I have been thinking about doing so. I really should pull out some rockwork and look at the SPS under my magnifying glass. Have had the unfortunate experience of pulling out rocks a bunch of times :( I am going to catch and house my Flame Angel for a month and see if polyp extension goes back to normal. If not then hunting for parasites is up next.
Fed a small amount of the fenbendazole flakes today at around noon. I was looking at the tanks with lights out just now and saw what looks like two flatworms floating around the water column. I was not sure I had flatworms since I dip everything but this seems to confirm their presence.
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White bugs are hard to see as well. This was on a digital microscope. Could barely see them with a naked eye and that was only because I knew they were there.

Awesome video! I didn’t know they were that small. I bit the bullet and just bought one of those Flipper Magnifiers that hang on the glass. I figure the magnifier will be useful generally(or so I hope!). Yes, the flatworms I saw I assumed may be from my euphillia since the size I saw was large enough to easily see if they were in the acropora which I have been staring at every day for the last two weeks.