
Recent content by biophilia

  1. biophilia

    Nassarius (Nassarius distortus) snail breeding extravaganza

    That’s awesome! As far as I know, they are uncommon, but I’m not really sure. I’ve been trying to find photos of nassarius babies online and haven’t found any yet. I think AlgaeBarn breeds the other common nassarius species (Nassarius vibex)
  2. biophilia

    Nassarius (Nassarius distortus) snail breeding extravaganza

    As of this morning they seem to have undergone the transformation into their second larval stage. Their vellum/wings and eye spots are larger, they have the beginnings of a little siphon tube, and they are much larger. Two days ago they were 250 microns in size and now they are close to 500...
  3. biophilia

    Nassarius (Nassarius distortus) snail breeding extravaganza

    I’m not sure either, but I think they are often Hawaiian strombus snails, whelk, cerith or similar. Totally possible, that they are nassarius though! I’ve been trying to find photos of “nassarius” babies in aquariums on forums and such and haven’t found any yet. Would love to find out!
  4. biophilia

    Nassarius (Nassarius distortus) snail breeding extravaganza

    Cool! I’ve never heard of them successfully reproducing in a reef tank before because their pelagic larval period is almost a month. Are you sure they are not cerith or strombus? Those are often confused for nassarius and reproduce easily in aquariums because they hatch directly into little baby...
  5. biophilia

    How to get yellow banded possum wrasse to eat?

    Do you have the ability to hatch live brine shrimp in the meantime? Possum wrasses are kind of weirdos in my experience and sometimes seem like they're not doing okay even if they are fine. They also sometimes take a few days before they are comfortable enough to eat. How long have you had it...
  6. biophilia

    Nassarius (Nassarius distortus) snail breeding extravaganza

    So far, they seem to be developing (and eating) but who knows. More to follow...
  7. biophilia

    Nassarius (Nassarius distortus) snail breeding extravaganza

    They hatched somewhere around the 60 hour mark. Here's a little larval veliger swimming in some food suspension shortly after hatching: I'm feeding a mix of Phyto Feast, Golden Pearls (5-50 micron), and Brightwell Reef Blizzard "O". about 4 times per day. Apparently they don't survive on...
  8. biophilia

    Nassarius (Nassarius distortus) snail breeding extravaganza

    Here's a time-lapse of the larvae rolling around in their egg capsules ~43 hours after being deposited: And a whole cluster at 60 hours:
  9. biophilia

    Nassarius (Nassarius distortus) snail breeding extravaganza

    Hey all, I'm slowly stumbling my way through getting nassarius (Nassarius distortus) snails to settlement at the moment in a sketchy bucket in my living room. It'll likely be a long process because I haven't found any literature documenting breeding this particular species, but I thought it...
  10. biophilia

    PSA: inexpensive super glue gel at Amazon

    Just got my order. These are great. Thanks!
  11. biophilia

    Good fish or invert to eat bristle worms?

    I haven't had them do that, but it's a possibility. If your hermits and snails are big enough you should be okay. The ones I have had seem to mostly go after amphipods and bristleworms since they're out crawling around the rockwork at night when the shrimp is hunting.
  12. biophilia

    Live Rotifers-who has dealt with them

    Yeah, it's probably best to strain them out before feeding. You can strain them through a 53 micron sieve like this to make sure you're adding just the adults and nauplii to the tank and nothing else: That being...
  13. biophilia

    Local source for 48" acrylic tanks?

    Hi all, I'm in the East Bay and looking for a local source for medium-large acrylic tanks. Has anyone seen one at a shop locally? I'm hoping to buy a ~90 gallon acrylic (ideal would be 48"L, 18-24"W, 24"H) I'm looking for something that doesn't have an overflow or any other drilled holes...
  14. biophilia

    Good fish or invert to eat bristle worms?

    Banded coral shrimp will hunt them at night, though a single shrimp will probably only eat 1 bristleworm per day. May not be enough to make a big dent in your population.