Cali Kid Corals

Recent content by deno

  1. deno

    automated water exchanges

    i'm looking at getting automated water exchanges setup. is there any alternatives to the liter meter? thanks, deno
  2. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App
  3. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    sorry to take way too long to reply to this. i had to take a few weeks off doing most things to heal up from a surgery. couple more weeks and i should be back to my normal self. @DML08, make sure you have the lastest version off my site. i uploaded a newer version that had a bunch of...
  4. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    :) please let me know about any bugs or features you'd like to see.
  5. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    new version has just been uploaded. changes : - add button in each tab vs. as a menu item - copy tasks to current day - filter tasks and stats by date - fix bug with reminders - minor UI tweaks (more to come..)
  6. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    as soon as somebody give me one to work with :) i've got an apex which i've already started to do some designs around.
  7. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    from either tasks or stats -> menu -> export. you'll find a csv file on the root your of SD card. at some point i'm going to put an import function. i jut finished banging my head trying to learn how to themes for apps.
  8. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    charlie - ah, that makes sense. sure, i could have written this as phone friendly web app but the project is a way for work on my android fu.
  9. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    ok, finally got a chance to look into this. it seems that it caused from trying to install an app from outside the market place. try this * Go to the market and download Astro file browser. Once installed open Astro and go to settings. Check allow all browser downloads. That's it...
  10. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    charlie - why would you want it web based if you have it on your phone? i have thought about ideas to have tank tracker be able to upload it's data to something. haven't came up with any good use cases for the data once it's been transferred. currently you can export your task and stat...
  11. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    what version on android are you running? any errors? you should get prompted that you are installing outside of the market place.
  12. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    i'm a very experienced software developer (among other things) but fairly new to the andriod platform. if i start to get a few successful apps for android i might take the effort to port them to iOS. why do you ask?
  13. deno

    Water Storage Tank Alternatives

    for water storage tanks i found a couple 55 gallon used plexi tanks that had big scratches. i payed around $100 for both of them.
  14. deno

    Tank Tracker - new Android App

    hey all! in order to solve my own problem of not being able to keep very good track fish tank related task i created tank tracker. it's a very simple app that will allow you to quickly track complete task, record and graph water stats, and remind you to complete tasks. you can...
  15. deno

    Looking for glass aquarium with stand

    i have a all glass 100G complete setup minus the stand i'll give to any BAR member on the cheap. skimmer, calc rectactor, pumps, heaters, rocks, etc... just no stand. it got trashed from some water damage before upgrading my 180G