Cali Kid Corals

Recent content by georgec

  1. georgec

    Tunze, drip tubing, float switches/Apex, xenia... (San Francisco)

    PJ Fish has dibs on the Tunze. Can give you a ton of Xenia if you want.
  2. georgec

    Tunze, drip tubing, float switches/Apex, xenia... (San Francisco)

    Hi all, it's been a while since I've been on. Cleaning out the house today, and wanted to offer up some free items for anyone interested. - Tunze I think this is a nanostream turbelle? It powers up and runs. - DIY Float Switches and DIY Reef Apex interface (old version of the Apex). I...
  3. georgec

    DBTC: Sunkist Bounce Mushroom

    Sadly, this morning, mine wasn't on it's frag and I haven't been able to find it loose around the tank. Will keep searching the nooks and crannies to see if it turns up.
  4. georgec

    DBTC: Green Monti Cap

    I just added Green Monti Cap to DBTC. Request a frag to be notified when they are available. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  5. georgec

    DBTC: Ricordia: Green fringed purple

    @Krak256 where are you located? Pick-up in SF if you still want one. Just PM me to coordinate.
  6. georgec

    DBTC: Ricordia: Green fringed purple

    bump. Still have some available for anyone that is interseted.
  7. georgec

    Ofzakaria bubble gum digi

    Bump. Still have a frag available in SF.
  8. georgec

    George's IM Nuvo 14

    Clam has been looking decent. Need to move it higher up on the rock work. Pretty good mantle extension.
  9. georgec

    BRS Kalk 1 Gallon - SF

    Have a gallon of kalk for anyone interested. Almost full. Located in San Francisco.
  10. georgec

    George's IM Nuvo 14

    Latest update: - My alk has been creeping down about 0.2 per day. Bumped up the dosing 2ml to see if that helps stabilize. It's been hovering around 8 (Red Sea test kit, and have been checking every morning the past week) - Also realized that when I was away for a week, my ALK dosing tube...
  11. georgec

    George's IM Nuvo 14

    Yes, I had put it on a small piece of rock I had shaped into a holder for it. I was under the impression that maxima's preferred being attached to rock which is why I didn't put it on the sand. I'll probably move it up this weekend.
  12. georgec

    George's IM Nuvo 14

    How long do you think I should wait to move it? It's at the bottom of my tank, which doesn't have the best PAR. I have a home for it further up on the rockwork. Is it best to give it another week in the current location to attach more firmly?
  13. georgec

    Nero 3 - how quiet are they supposed to be?

    I did take it apart on the first day. It's actually quieted down significantly after the first day or two. It's almost silent on the variable setting I have it on (30-80%) GC
  14. georgec

    George's IM Nuvo 14

    Added a small clam last week as part of @Apon ’s group buy. This is day 7. I’ve been letting it acclimate on the bottom and trying not to bother it. I’m pretty sure it’s attached to the chunk of rock it’s sitting on. No clam cradle so I had to chip some dry rock into shape. Not hugely open yet...
  15. georgec

    Nero 3 - how quiet are they supposed to be?

    Hi all, Question for any Nero 3 owners out there: I just got a new Nero 3 and it's noisier than I would expect. I can hear the humming/buzzing and it's not a smooth hum. It sounds like a fast vibration. Even below 50% I can hear the pump on my tank. I have a pretty quiet return pump, and...