Reef nutrition

Recent content by Holly94583

  1. Holly94583

    DBTC: WWC Cherry Garcia Chalice

    I just added WWC Cherry Garcia Chalice to DBTC. There are 1 frag(s) available right now. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  2. Holly94583

    DBTC: Watermelon Discosoma

    I just added Watermelon Discosoma to DBTC. There are 1 frag(s) available right now. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  3. Holly94583

    DBTC: Superman discosoma

    I just added Superman discosoma to DBTC. I got this one at the frag swap in Concord. Don’t remember from who though. Pick up in San Ramon or can eventually meet between San Ramon and Vallejo on weekdays. There are 1 frag(s) available right now. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  4. Holly94583

    Ways to trap fish fast?

    I use the small fish carrier from petco. I tape a piece of string to the little opening and put nori or food in it. It’s also shiny so fish will get in it to fight their reflection. Keep the opening open and pull on the string to close the opening when a fish gets in.
  5. Holly94583

    For those with reefs now ... any pictures from an old freshwater tank?

    I sold the 60 gallon one last year because I couldn’t manage that many tanks! I still have the small low tech 10 gallons with yellow shrimp though. If you’re in the San Ramon area and ever need java fern or flamingo crypto, let me know .
  6. Holly94583

    Free Melanarus Wrasse

    The little guy has been picked up, thanks @Zero Gravitas!
  7. Holly94583

    Free Melanarus Wrasse

    Finally caught him tonight right after he went to sleep in the sand. Free to supporting member. 3.5 to 4 inches. Been in my tank for more than one year. He has always been the only wrasse in my tank but I introduced two new wrasses recently and he has been harassing them ever since. He will eat...
  8. Holly94583

    Free Corals - 15 very large, fully encrusted bali green slimer frags

    @bluetang_2000 I’m in San Ramon and I would love to get a frag of green slimer if you don’t mind grabbing one for me. Thanks a lot @dandemeyere
  9. Holly94583

    Free corals

    Hey there, The mushroom is gone and the rainbow poci has been claimed. I’ll let you know if anything changes
  10. Holly94583

    Free corals

    Hi there, I have this watermelon discosoma mushroom that detached itself from its island. I don’t want it on the main rock so giving it away. It is bigger than pictured, was pissed off from being handled. Also getting rid of this rainbow pocillopora colony. FYI, It spawned in my tank and it...
  11. Holly94583

    DBTC: Lava Lamp mushroom

    JVU is right, It’s a tiny baby Ironman Blastomussa I was able to frag from my colony a few weeks ago. It is still recovering though but doing well so far. :)
  12. Holly94583

    DBTC: Ironman Blastomussa

    I just added Ironman Blastomussa to DBTC. I was able to frag little baby heads that were growing under the frag disk. Frags are very small (and cute) but that’s all you need to start a colony. There are 1 frag(s) available right now. This thread was automatically created by BARcode
  13. Holly94583

    Carole-Anne's Waterbox 220.6

    This window is facing East so we only get a little bit of direct light in the morning but nothing very bright. So far, I've been cleaning the glass every other day and the tank seems to just be coming out of the ugly phase (fingers crossed!). It was also the only spot in the house where it...
  14. Holly94583

    Carole-Anne's Waterbox 220.6

    It’s been a while since I had time to write here! It seems like I’ve spent every minute of week days and weekends working on the tank lately. The tank ended up being done cycling on 03/02 and the cycle lasted only 10 days. On 03/02, I transferred a few soft corals that were on an island to see...
  15. Holly94583

    Carole-Anne's Waterbox 220.6

    Sorry, I never answered. Thanks for the advice, I did that when I was transferring everything and it looks like I at least transferred some spaghetti worms woohoo!