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Recent content by jonmedina

  1. jonmedina

    Porcelain crab?

    Yeah I think they did. This new tank has been running almost a year seeded with live rock. I'm wondering if they're finally big enough now to be more noticable.
  2. jonmedina

    Porcelain crab?

    I just noticed I've got a good number of these in the tank - I think they're porcelain crabs? They only come out late at night, and they're real fast. But I just added a couple clams to the tank and don't want to risk them getting picked at. Any ideas...
  3. jonmedina

    "Holiday" potluck, Richard Ross talk and mini frag swap (01/11)

    Not trying to hijack the thread here - but anybody coming to the event have an old powerhead lying around they want to sell for cheap? I just need a dumb weak one to point at an anemone and get him to move. Thanks!
  4. jonmedina

    "Holiday" potluck, Richard Ross talk and mini frag swap (01/11)

    I'm in! I'll bring my award-winning brisket chili. Award: my mom said it was alright.
  5. jonmedina

    New guy in Pleasant Hill

    Heyyyyyy fellow Pleasant Hillian! Welcome and good to have you. Great looking tank.
  6. jonmedina

    Torch Losing Flesh

    If it was a flow issue it would usually close up, it looks like it's open - maybe not getting enough light? do you have it on the sand bed?
  7. jonmedina

    Customer Appreciation Party at High Tide Aquatics

    Such a fun event!! 10/10
  8. jonmedina

    Dealing with hair algae

    Yeah - and I'd buy it again in a heartbeat. Keeps nutrients in a good spot even if you overfeed a bit (like I do), outcompetes display tank hair algae and isn't a huge PITA to clean. I scrape it down like every two weeks.
  9. jonmedina

    Dealing with hair algae

    I did manual removal, nutrient drop, and added this thing to outcompete algae in the display tank - Algae Scrubber - no problems since. And this is with me purposely keeping my phosphates a little on the high side because I like happy torches.
  10. jonmedina

    Am I going to wake up to a crashed tank

    Hey @B the Nano Reefer, IDK your mixing situation, I'm up the street from you and have 40 gallons of RODI on hand that I can mix with your salt of choice if you need more water for changes.
  11. jonmedina

    Derek's 225g - Magnifica / SPS Reef

    Awesome info - thanks so much, I've been wanting to take some time to play around with it more. I too am cleaning the glass every day. It's a lot.
  12. jonmedina

    Thoughts on cleaning up DBTC threads a bit?

    Or ..... if there's a way to just not show DBTC or BARcode threads as highlights on the front page. We probably don't need a featured post every time someone borrows the bandsaw....
  13. jonmedina

    34G Anemone Tank

  14. jonmedina

    34G Anemone Tank

    Hey All - update long overdue. Against my wallet's better judgement I decided to start a second tank. I picked up a RS130 from Under the Sea Aquatics, and decided I wanted something lower maintenance in my home office to enjoy when I'm in my work/study cave. Got it several months ago and have...
  15. jonmedina

    Anyone else hit by the Oakland power outage?

    @JVU Power outages rolling near your area of WC right now too. Just a heads up.