Cali Kid Corals

Recent content by Kremis

  1. Kremis

    Anyone see a tailspot blenny around anywhere?

    we have 5 or so right now at aquatic. this is true Hey bruce long time no see
  2. Kremis

    Free sandhopper blenny/stripe sand perch

    Yeah coral safe. It tried to eat my cleaners which i thought was surprising
  3. Kremis

    Free sandhopper blenny/stripe sand perch

    This thing is a complete menace. Bought because he was 10 bucks at sixth avenue and looked cool. Put him in my 15 gallon nano and he tried to eat half the stuff in there. kind of looks like this hes about 3 inches long. pickup berkeley. he will try to eat most thing that are small. is menace...
  4. Kremis

    360 Gallon on CL

    I know the owner, took classes from him in high school. Runs a martial arts school. Thats my rbta in the first pic. Lol
  5. Kremis

    AI Prime HD wifi card

    we barely keep any used/broken equipment, no space
  6. Kremis

    AI Prime HD wifi card

    Anyone happen to have broken AI prime HDs or have this part? followed this having the same issue w/ the pink light and nothihng. After messing around w the DC power and the reset button i was able to get it to turn on for all...
  7. Kremis


    i know we sometimes keep the females together at AC
  8. Kremis

    Wall hammer help

    band saw
  9. Kremis

    Achilles tang - tips for successfully keeping one?

    ich is the main thing. they do not work in "ich management" tanks ever. looks like you hit all the main points
  10. Kremis

    Crazy winds- Backup power check

    tree fell on power line down my block in berkeley. Good thing I only have 1 fish and no coral anymore. Lol
  11. Kremis

    Other hobbies

    No this was in santa barbara, I do drive around up there sometimes though. the troublesome but fun... 335i. Gonna work on some mods when im home this summer. Had to take care of a lot of maintenance items already. Gaskets, HPFP, injectors, water pump, hoses, etc etc
  12. Kremis

    Other hobbies

  13. Kremis

    Need help with receding chalice

    Looks normal to me ?