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Frag plugs we should all be using for upcoming frag swaps and DBTCs


Supporting Member
In light of the post below, I wanted to see which types and brands of frag plugs people are using or highly recommend using.

I know this company came up several times and this is the one I am primarily using - I purchased both the ceramic and aragonite-made plugs.

However, my favorite ones are from Fauna Marin (again, I am not getting paid by them!), but they are not selling them here I believe. I am sure they are sourcing them from someone so if anyone has seen them under a different branding for purchase in the US, please let me know. The plug comes easily off with a pre-defined break point and similar to the Reefing Art plugs, has a little dip on the disc to add glue:

Also, if anyone has seen this, please let me know as well.

Lol. Didn't realize making that thread would have actual results

I just bought 200 plugs from Nathan. They're great. I have the old cement ones (as opposed to the new ceramic plugs) so I can't speak to the ceramic ones, but they work. They're not aragonite, but does it matter? I'm not sure it does.

I just need cheap cheap plugs in large quantities for dbtc. I think these plugs fit that bill perfectly
I agree Nathan has great plugs. And he's offering crazy deals on them right now. His words were I don't want to hual them with me when he moves to new house so they are priced to move. I got the ones I ordered from him the next day.

Just be sure to message him directly for deals, don't go through his website.

@Coral Hub (Nathan)
Ive been using the ReefingArt ones too so I need to transition to something else before someone gets mad at me lol. @Coral Hub (Nathan) I saw you comment something about a sale to get rid of the plugs you have? Did that ever get posted?
i've beem using reefing art plugs but wondered off with oceans wonders since i could not cut off the stem without a bandsaw. i still use their tiles though.

Im kinda confused. Whats the difference between Cement vs Ceramic vs Aragonite? I dont do SPS so whatd be best for zoas/hammers/torches?
Im kinda confused. Whats the difference between Cement vs Ceramic vs Aragonite? I dont do SPS so whatd be best for zoas/hammers/torches?
Aragonite is the same stuff your live rock is. Most "aragonite" plugs are made of aragonite and cement to form a plug. Cement needs to be soaked first (and some vendors do it for you) to prevent leaching of alkalinity. Ceramic is ceramic - it doesn't leach things that I know, but it can be smoother (glue can fall off easier) and harder to cut, but those can be fixed with good design

I don't think material really matters to most people unless you're trying to DIY plugs. Plug is plug and as long as it does the things you need it to, it's good enough
Im kinda confused. Whats the difference between Cement vs Ceramic vs Aragonite? I dont do SPS so whatd be best for zoas/hammers/torches?
No real big difference in terms function. All are just made to hold a frag. Cement/aggregate are more porous for glue to stick and depending on the ceramic depends how easy/hard it is for the glue to bite in. My ceramic ones will have texture/a dip to have glue/epoxy to hold a frag better.
I do also have ceramic ones but the stems shrunk more than expected (this was my first time doing ceramic) and I’m just not happy with them so I’m printing new negatives to account for shrinkage. I can sell those too if anyone wanted to attempt those.
Ive been using the ReefingArt ones too so I need to transition to something else before someone gets mad at me lol. @Coral Hub (Nathan) I saw you comment something about a sale to get rid of the plugs you have? Did that ever get posted?
Yea you will be responsible for broken windows, cracked tv screens, busted aquariums, holes in the wall, and possibly medical bills if someone gets hit by part of them.
Never made an actual post but have like 10k plugs left. My cement ones have been discounted to $0.10 each while supplies last.
Why not? As far as I know these are your prices, from 2 previous posts:

Imperfect Fragging Supplies:
  • Round / Square Plug 3/4" 50 ct $11.99
  • Round Plug 1.25" 40 ct $11.99
  • Square Plug 1" 40 ct $11.99
  • Plate 1.25" 10 ct $9.99
  • Disk or Plate 2" 5 ct $8.99
  • Disk or Plate 3" 5 ct $9.99
  • Disk or Plate 4" 4 ct $9.99
Ceramic Plugs
3/4” 50 ct $9.99
3/4” 100 ct $17.99

1” 50 ct $9.99
1” 100 ct 17.99

1.25” 40 ct $9.99
1.25” 80 ct $17.99

I don’t know what you have available in the overstock for that price, or how to buy it from you. If you are selling them for a better sale price to move your old inventory, why not just make a new sale thread in your subforum here and list it out for us? If you have 10k plugs to move let us help you with that. Since we have a frag swap coming up it’s good timing.
Why not? As far as I know these are your prices, from 2 previous posts:

Imperfect Fragging Supplies:
  • Round / Square Plug 3/4" 50 ct $11.99
  • Round Plug 1.25" 40 ct $11.99
  • Square Plug 1" 40 ct $11.99
  • Plate 1.25" 10 ct $9.99
  • Disk or Plate 2" 5 ct $8.99
  • Disk or Plate 3" 5 ct $9.99
  • Disk or Plate 4" 4 ct $9.99
Ceramic Plugs
3/4” 50 ct $9.99
3/4” 100 ct $17.99

1” 50 ct $9.99
1” 100 ct 17.99

1.25” 40 ct $9.99
1.25” 80 ct $17.99

I don’t know what you have available in the overstock for that price, or how to buy it from you. If you are selling them for a better sale price to move your old inventory, why not just make a new sale thread in your subforum here and list it out for us? If you have 10k plugs to move let us help you with that. Since we have a frag swap coming up it’s good timing.
Yeah these are normal pricing. Was discounting the cement ones to reduce the literal buckets of cement I need to haul over to the new house haha
I like best the aragonite concrete ones from Oceans Wonder. And ReefWay for the larger discs. But I’ve used many different types and brands over the years when there’s deals, and also generally reuse (after citric acid bath and drying) ones I get from frags I receive.