
120g tank move help needed. Need 3 people


Supporting Member
Hello everyone, Im acquiring a 120g from @DaddyHook on 02/27 located in Vallejo but I need man power on both sides with loading and off loading from @Turkeysammich truck and into my garage office. Im thinking around 2pm I should have arrived to my place in SF from vallejo with the tank. Any help is really appreciated. I’ll buy lunch for everyone afterwards.
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Hello everyone, Im acquiring a 120g from @DaddyHook on 02/27 located in Vallejo but I need man power on both sides with loading and off loading from @Turkeysammich truck and into my garage office. Im thinking around 2pm I should have arrived to my place in SF from vallejo with the tank. Any help is really appreciated. I’ll buy lunch for everyone afterwards.
I can be there to help on the SF side