Cali Kid Corals

Search results

  1. Bruce Spiegelman

    Can a fish be too fat?

    Depends on if it's a male or a female and who asked the question. If she did just tell her no, "you look perfect the way you are."
  2. Bruce Spiegelman

    What fish can go in a 300 mixed reef?

    I had a pair of this particular species in my tank (crosshatch) and didn't have an issue with them, but your mileage may vary. Great personalities and very intelligent. They aren't cheap though.
  3. Bruce Spiegelman

    Icp preferred vendors?

    I'm not saying it doesn't have inherent value, but I'm reticent to jump to conclusions and correct for the given values unless I see a real problem.
  4. Bruce Spiegelman

    Icp preferred vendors?

    I've done it as well. It's why I don't really care to do ICP anymore.
  5. Bruce Spiegelman

    Icp preferred vendors?

    My suggestion. Send one to Triton and at the same time send one to ATO (or any other.) Then decide if they are worth is. :)
  6. Bruce Spiegelman

    Custom Tank Cover / Lids - Wrasse ready - Recommendations and Lessons Learned

    I've had a custom clearview over my 250 and my 100 all wrasse tank. They were both great, but any of them will work.
  7. Bruce Spiegelman

    Custom Tank Cover / Lids - Wrasse ready - Recommendations and Lessons Learned

    Number on rule of wrasses -- get a lid. Make sure it's small enough openings that they can't wiggle up and through it. You'll be surprised. In my all wrasse tank and a 1/4 inch mesh some still fond a way. You have to remember that hurtling themselves "up" is a defense mechanism to being startled...
  8. Bruce Spiegelman

    Looking for 40g“plug in and play”

    I highly recommend the IM 50 EXT lagoon. It's a beautiful tank.
  9. Bruce Spiegelman

    About Coral Hub U.S.

    For the record, I've been using his Amino Acids for a few weeks now and I've never had as good a response from coral as I have with this.
  10. Bruce Spiegelman

    Where to buy TDO pellets locally?

    CaliKid always has them in stock
  11. Bruce Spiegelman

    Huge fish shipment

    Shit. One of my favorites.
  12. Bruce Spiegelman

    Huge fish shipment

    What else is in stock?
  13. Bruce Spiegelman

    Remember when these were like $40?

    Not sure it was greed so much as good old American supply and demand.
  14. Bruce Spiegelman

    Remember when these were like $40?

    WTF! They are Hawaiian, but that's crazy talk!
  15. Bruce Spiegelman

    Plumbing external overflow box Bean Animal?

    @Coral reefer
  16. Bruce Spiegelman

    Where to get chaeto in the south bay area?

    CaliKid in the East Bay has good clean Chaeto.
  17. Bruce Spiegelman

    Where to get chaeto in the south bay area?

    Agreed. I wouldn't put anything in my tank from there.