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  1. ryanraff

    Sea hare

    I'd recommend dropping a rock wrapped with a bit of nori every other night into your tank
  2. ryanraff

    LF Xenia and GSP

    @wcfish21 its of a respectable size lol maybe 3 in by 4 in give or take
  3. ryanraff

    LF Xenia and GSP

    I've got some GSP for you as well. Just threw out a ton of Xenia unfortunately :/
  4. ryanraff

    Free RODI

    Got the good from @popper yesterday. Thanks for the quick chit chat, it was good to meet you!
  5. ryanraff

    Free RODI

    Im on board. Would love to get one, been a long time coming. All good if spoken for already though. Just let me know
  6. ryanraff

    DBTC: Indo Gold torch

    Im just here so I don't get fined ;)
  7. ryanraff

    DBTC: Space Chalice

    @Alexx that did the trick! Thank you, Alex. Now enjoy the new Coral
  8. ryanraff

    DBTC: Space Chalice

    questionable as to why barcode is not able to update when I put Alex in as the recipient, maybe because @Alexx is a guest? (wondering if I could get some clarification) either way gave one frag away yesterday to @Alexx
  9. ryanraff

    Pico 5-Gallon

    @ridgebackreefer I can get you a small or large duncan frag when and if you become interested in getting one, just hit me in the Dm's
  10. ryanraff

    Sea hare

    I am easy too. seems like it makes sense to switch over so let's do that. @JVU
  11. ryanraff

    glass tank

    I've got a cracked 30g in Alameda you can have
  12. ryanraff

    DBTC: Space Chalice

    @Adit0 located in Alameda, but I believe there is another frag with @H2OPlayar down in SJ. supposedly when @Chromis reached out to me I was under the assumption she was going to be picking up the frag in SJ but looks like its still available if I'm reading the above post correctly.
  13. ryanraff

    Aquatic Life 48" Freshwater (no longer available)

    @fishy408 thanks for passing this on, glad I could stop by
  14. ryanraff

    Aquatic Life 48" Freshwater (no longer available)

    mine just went kaput, I am totally in need of this lol
  15. ryanraff

    DBTC: Space Chalice

    @dochou that's currently being passed to another member, I believe you're up by me? Feel free to shoot a Pm about coordinating and what size frag you're hoping to receive :)
  16. ryanraff

    DBTC: Space Chalice

    There is now 1 frag available in the South Bay and the rest are available with me in Alameda.
  17. ryanraff

    Ryan's 70G Tank Journal

    UPDATE: Shout out all of you who have helped make this tank what it is today. You all know who you are. Plan on doing a better job updating this, but for now here's some recent pics. Duncan's shown tons of growth Lady in Pink & Walt Disney frag Acan colonies
  18. ryanraff

    Sea hare

    Sea hare is doing the lords work in @musclebenz 's tank currently, will update as soon as he's finished.
  19. ryanraff

    DBTC: Space Chalice

    @Coral reefer that would be great! I live in Alameda and open to coordinating with anyone nearby that has one.
  20. ryanraff

    Sea hare

    I am not even really sure its safe to be talking about this, but I hear they're working on a product that's currently in vitro to do just that. Just waiting for the world to be ready for it @svreef @Kensington Reefer