Neptune Aquatics

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  1. M

    Meshmez's IM EXT 112

    I figured out the easy way to clean gyres.... Have your kid do it!
  2. M

    Eric's IM 40L aio

    The plumbing will be half-assed though..... :D
  3. M

    looking for flamboyant cuttlefish eggs

    @Thales has been known to cuddle fish....
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    Kalkwasser & ph anecdote

    I wonder if some sub saturated level of kalk in ATO could help some with alk and PH but not have much impact based on daily variation.
  5. M

    Kalkwasser & ph anecdote

    I second not using kalk in topoff since it will be an inconsistent amount day to day. better to dose a controlled and consistent amount. You can try to match that amount to your consumption.
  6. M

    Neptune Ph graph

    You can scroll back in fusion, so it's there and visible. You just can't view a long period of time all at once.
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    Neptune Ph graph

    I don't believe you can display a longer period. I do think I have heard there is a way to download an excel file of the data though. I don't know how.
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    Innovative Marine clearance sale - 50% off

    Looks like they just added the tank/stand combos back to the website!
  9. M

    Innovative Marine clearance sale - 50% off

    Man, I love my IM tanks, but this is a horrible decision on their part... Having the option is great, requiring it is rough.
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    NanoCrazed's Lazy Tank(s) Journal

    Damn, sorry to hear that. What type of dinos do you have?
  11. M

    Meshmez's IM EXT 112

    I understand you're trying not to name names, but in this case you probably should. I assume you're talking about reef cleaners? I bought from though I wouldn't be surprised if they also wild collect and house in fishless system.
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    Meshmez's IM EXT 112

    Ostreopsis Dinoflagellates are back... Time to set up the dinobuster again...
  13. M

    Meshmez's IM EXT 112

    I know, and I mean no offense, it's just hard after spending so much time to qt fish. Seems reckless. Then again I have put snails directly in... And that's not a whole lot better. Even though they are supposedly from a fishless system...
  14. M

    How to get yellow banded possum wrasse to eat?

    What was it eating at the LFS?
  15. M

    Meshmez's IM EXT 112

    I just worry about the possiblity of transferring ich...
  16. M

    Meshmez's IM 25 Lagoon

    Another one I haven't updated in a while! This tank is doing well! Current fish are 2 clownfish and a bicolor blenny. Thinking of adding a white banded possum wrasse. Any other fish suggestions?
  17. M

    Meshmez's IM EXT 112

    So it's been a while since I updated. Tank got hit pretty hard with ostreopsis dinoflagellates in November. Hit it with uv and sediment filter and eventually turned the corner. Dino did some damage to the corals, lost a few, the rest weren't looking good. Continued to see stn on sps and...
  18. M

    Ocellaris fin discoloration

    Post on humble fish. Looks like some kind of fin rot to me. But I don't really know.
  19. M

    DIY Automated Alkalinity Tester

    Nice! One thing to think about would be outputting the reading in a voltage equivalent to a ph probe. This way you could connect the tester to the ph port of any controller of you want to port the reading into it.
  20. M

    PSA: inexpensive super glue gel at Amazon

    I have had good luck with this: If you live near a harbor freight.