Neptune Aquatics

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    DBTC: Snowflake Polyp Toadstool

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    Reef Hobbyist 40B

    Sure thing! Pic from today... its not that big that I can frag yet ;)
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    DBTC: Snowflake Polyp Toadstool

    Frag given to @Newjack
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    DBTC: Snowflake Polyp Toadstool

    Do you want the baby or going to wait 1-2 weeks for a med size frag?
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    Reef Hobbyist 40B

    Thanks! yes, still got it... It encrusted and been growing slowly.
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    Reef Hobbyist 40B

    FTS time! didn't play too much with light/cam settings... just quick shots :) 20mm Wide Angle 10mm FishEye
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    Dying hammer coral

    My guess is its a bacterial infection?? Try an interceptor dip worst case, its what worked for me!
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    DBTC: Snowflake Polyp Toadstool

    Sure, 2 more pieces are almost dropping from the mother colony... should be a week or two :)
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    DBTC: Snowflake Polyp Toadstool

    Frag given to @dochou
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    DBTC: Monti Setosa Coral

    Frag given to @dochou
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    DBTC: Snowflake Polyp Toadstool

    @dochu gets the bigger frag @Newjack gets the med size frag @Baykes you can have the baby or wait for 2-3 weeks for a larger piece? I promised @Geneva a frag of this long time ago, do you still want it?
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    DBTC: Green Hammer

    The 2 head hammer is still available. @dochu decided to let somebody else have it...
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    Reef Hobbyist 40B

    Last week I was in Ireland and on Wednesday 2am I got an Apex notification that my return pump failed! I looked at my live video feed and saw the water level higher in the sump so confirmed it was not a false alarm. Long story short, I got in touch with @jonmos75 & @wpeterson. Jon remotely...
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    $$$ MONEY $$$

    Under $1000?? really? I used to keep track of all expenses but stopped! Here's a screenshot from 6-8months ago.
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    DBTC: Snowflake Polyp Toadstool

    The mother colony has been in my DT since I started the hobby, its grey-white and has beautiful white polyps. Pic of the mother colony under white light when I got it (notice how the head has a touch of green, this changed turned less green after I switched lights) 3 frags available (baby...
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    Green acro with purple tips

    Adding myself to the list :)
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    Finally Back ADA 30g tank

    Nice scape!
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    FluidDynamics Green Monti Cap

    No worries, thx for the update...
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    BAR Chatroom on Tapatalk

    Yup, if we get more people on the chat, it'll be a place for quick inputs or questions :)
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    [Urgent] What the hell is this and how to fix it?

    Never heard of Phthalates