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  1. Chromis

    July 16 Frag Swap volunteer signup

    I’ll be there for setup and check-in.
  2. Chromis

    Mr2Kieu: Crystal Dynamics Aquarium 90G Lagoon

    Beautiful! I love the clean color scheme. All the color will come from inside your tank and make it pop even more. That’s a lot of light - how deep is your tank again?
  3. Chromis

    The Aquabiomics talk todaj

    Sorry that wasn’t totally clear. Aquabiomics is purchasing their own sequencer now that they’ve come down to $1k.
  4. Chromis

    Recommendations for Flake Food

    I use Cobalt marine Omni flake but it’s becoming harder to find. My fish can’t get to the pellets before they sink - maybe in a deeper tank with lots more flow the pellets would stay in the water column long enough.
  5. Chromis

    What to do when pH is too high

    @RandyC Why do you think you had high pH besides lots of acros? Was this a low detritus/bare bottom tank, how many fish did you have, and did you use a CO2 reactor or two part? I also feel it’s the acros using up all the CO2 affecting the pH and injecting CO2 has helped growth just you’d...
  6. Chromis

    What to do when pH is too high

    I just mix them according to pH considerations - how high or low the overall pH is and when I dose it. The 2:1 ratio is random, I’ve just been slowly decreasing the soda ash amount as the pH drifts up. I would just dose baking soda if I dosed during the day but since I dose counter to lights on...
  7. Chromis

    The Aquabiomics talk todaj

    No, I don’t think he mentioned a particular model, but mentioned it would take a lot of work to port their software over.
  8. Chromis

    What to do when pH is too high

    That’s what’s baffling. I don’t have a refugium although admittedly there’s like an 8”x8” sheet worth of ulva in the display part. I dose a alk mix of 2 parts baking soda to one part soda ash, primarily at night. I don’t dose any alk between 9a to 6p. I dose phosphate and nitrate into the tank...
  9. Chromis

    What to do when pH is too high

    Not too crazy… in the past week it drifted up 0.2dKH.
  10. Chromis

    What to do when pH is too high

    Ok so aeration isn’t the answer it’s injecting CO2 back in. I’ll check the calibration also since I probably haven’t checked it in nearly a year but the pH has drifted back since I stopped dosing CO2.
  11. Chromis

    What to do when pH is too high

    I’m a related note, is there a way to remotely turn off lights using Mobius on the Radions? Besides trying to plug the lights into the Apex EBxx outlet (which probably can’t handle all the current)?
  12. Chromis

    What to do when pH is too high

    Oh no. I’m going to have to get my CO2 tanks refilled and start dosing based on pH again, or decrease light intensity for a bit in the afternoon to prevent what I guess is photosynthesis creating more O2 than can be removed (?) with aeration. I wish there was a way to program my light intensity...
  13. Chromis

    NanoCrazed's Lazy Tank(s) Journal

    That’s a really unique fish.
  14. Chromis

    The Aquabiomics talk todaj

    @IOnceWasLegend @Bolicks Eli and a couple colleagues spoke to Humblefish group today and we learned they plan to purchase their own (PCR?) sequencer now that the price has come down from $500k to $1k. I know there was some thread on the possibility of a BAR sequencer that was at least 5%...
  15. Chromis

    NanoCrazed's Lazy Tank(s) Journal

    Can you clean the glass and take one more :) is his face really that color?
  16. Chromis

    SPS Pest ID

    Here’s a similar photo from my QT files - a similar type of acro with a thin white line but none of the dead flesh or jelly or whatever that is beneath it - but see the teeny-tiny bites?
  17. Chromis

    SPS Pest ID

    Wow so for example, at 75.2F/24C a lifecycle is, say, 15+56 = 71 days, vs at 82.4F/28C it’s 11+31=42 days. Add this to the list of factors that cause the annual rash of spring reef issues as our tanks heat up again - suddenly your bugs are multiplying faster than they can be eaten?
  18. Chromis

    SPS Pest ID

    Bugs can take many months or apparently even years @H2OPlayar before they start noticeably affecting or killing corals, depending on how many bug-predators you have in the tank and maybe other factors I don’t understand. I wonder if other factors, like temp and iodine levels, can affect how fast...
  19. Chromis

    SPS Pest ID

    Thanks that’s interesting! I read “marine mites represent the oldest known extant animal lineage that secondarily invaded the sea, with the marine turtles being the second oldest such lineage.” I wonder if anyone else has come across them and if they noticed any effects on fish or corals...
  20. Chromis

    SPS Pest ID

    Ok I haven’t seen this one before. It’s got 8 legs, but doesn’t look acro spiders I’ve seen. Kind of has the round shell and short curved legs of a coral pest but the 8 legs is throwing me off. Anyone know?