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    ATO Creation for $12?

    Yup but i would use Two float switches mounted at diffrent heights just in case one float swiches sticks.
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    Banggai Cardinal from AC not eating

    always ask lfs to feed fish. if fish is eating more likey to survive
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    Banggai Cardinal from AC not eating

    was eating at AC when u bought it
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    Bobs 180 Reborn

    Yup jump on that right away.
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    Bobs 180 Reborn

    No promblemo glad help you get back in swing of things Bob
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    Yes gsp will over grow other corals. I have a toadstool i need to trim gsp off the trunnk of toadstool often.
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    Adding Tang(s)

    Where are they moving?
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    Adding Tang(s)

    I got lucky and obtained mine from someone breaking down their tank. He was already eating all types of food. My swims with Powder Blue,blue,yellow,purple tangs.
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    Adding Tang(s)

    Add a mirror that may preoccupy the powder brown tang when add new tangs
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    Featured Guests - Free clownfish for becomimg a supporting member (Renewals too)

    I can get one Clown fish I renewed on sat
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    Adding Tang(s)

    Achilles Tang rule ! love mine
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    Free Zoas for Supporting Members

    Randy anymore
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    Gems on LiveAquaria DD today

    ORA breeds them so better chances of pairing mandarins
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    Borrow a Rubbermaid Tub?

    I got a red tub about 20 gallons aand. brute garbage can in castro valley. Your rock structure should fit in my red tub
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    New tank - Corals unhappy, water params look ok + diatoms?

    Go slow and let your tank mature
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    FS-50 1/4 RO adapter search

    is this what looking for
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    FS-50 1/4 RO adapter search

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    My Harem of Royal Gramma

    nice to see a group of fish in tank
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    My Harem of Royal Gramma

    Keeping finger crossed
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    My Harem of Royal Gramma

    pics of harem