
Search results

  1. fishy408

    PIF: Hanna phosphate checker

    Did you replace it with a different checker? curious since my hannah phosphate sometimes read 0 as a result which I know os incorrect.
  2. fishy408

    Simple 40

    6-month update Things are going well and the tank is dialed in. The Good Things! No Pests - just pods! No bad Algae - just green film/hair algae! Testing reduced from daily --> weekly --> to now 1x or 2x month Parameters are dialed in. (Alk 8.4, CA 430, Mag 1360, Phosphate .03, Nitrate 5)...
  3. fishy408

    Burning Bush - Atomic Broccoli - All have been picked up. thanks!

    It's growing fast for me now, and I would probably need monthly trimmings. Whenever you need a clump, please don't hesitate to let me know.
  4. fishy408

    Burning Bush - Atomic Broccoli - All have been picked up. thanks!

    Have to get rid of some tomorrow morning else it goes in the garbage. thanks!
  5. fishy408

    Black Friday reefing deals/purchases?

    I picked up one also. Do you know if the BRS filters/media are compatible?
  6. fishy408

    DBTC: Sprung's Burning Bush

    A few are available in Milpitas if anyone needs one this weekend.
  7. fishy408

    Girl shoes Adidas Lite Racer Adapt / 1 Left

    Hi All, Have a few of these shoes available. Size is 2 1/2. They are brand new never worn and received last week. Priority goes to supporting members/ immediate family. Secondly supporting...
  8. fishy408

    tribbitt's 20L Nano Build

    @tribbitt Your tank is looking awesome! Are you having any issues with Coral warfare since they all seemed packed (hammers/frogspawns)? And the blastos underneath them.
  9. fishy408

    Very low alk…

    Quick chart to balance things out. When testing Alk, you should test it 2 days after dose. As a reference, I am dosing 24ML AFR/Day and 8ML Kalk/Day, supplementing Magnesium/Calcium. 40g tank.
  10. fishy408

    DBTC: Sprung's Burning Bush

    I transferred my frag to @Ayman today. I think I selected transfer instead of give, can anyone help fix it? thanks. This post was automatically created by BARcode
  11. fishy408

    A few frags available

    Have one more forest fire mushroom frag that is available. It somehow fell off the rock.
  12. fishy408

    Goni Care

    From readings: Medium/High Flow Low Light High Magnesium Recent history of success in the hobby, but previously had a low survival rate. Has anyone kept Gonis for over a year? What has been the experience.
  13. fishy408

    Lets see them full tank shot

    Rock for gonis in the middle!
  14. fishy408

    Simple 40

    10/15 Update Things are super good with this little tank! BJD is gone! I haven't had any coral losses in the past 10+ days. Changes: Rock scape & Flow has changed for the 1 millionth time, but I think this is somewhat final. Fish Aggression: thinking of cichlids and spreading the aggression...
  15. fishy408

    Thoughts on cleaning up DBTC threads a bit?

    Would be nice if the original creator of the DBTC could delete the thread.
  16. fishy408

    Compact AIO

    Really looking for something 1 -2 gallon / compact enough to pull in/out when needed. I sold/gave away my IM 15 and Fluval V (5g). Thought maybe someone had a 1-2 gallon pico tank that I can get ideas from. thanks for all the offers, this club ia very generous
  17. fishy408

    Compact AIO

    It's for after-treatment of the affected coral.
  18. fishy408

    Compact AIO

    This is pretty cool!
  19. fishy408

    Compact AIO

    Hi Guys! After my experience with BJD, I realized it might be a good idea to invest in a small AIO as a coral hospital tank. It would be in storage until needed. The smaller the bettter. I am thining about 1 gallon? this looks good. What are you using...
  20. fishy408

    A few frags available

    oh shoot sorry for the miscommunication. Invictus asked for #3 first .