High Tide Aquatics

Search results

  1. Thales

    Anyone on EBMUD using only carbon and DI resin to save water?

    Sweet - an alameda reefer! Nice to meet you. Here are some cuttle links https://therichross.com/?s=cuttle
  2. Thales

    Ofzakaria tigertail sea cucumber

    Gotcha. Please say it died. Thanks!
  3. Thales

    Anyone on EBMUD using only carbon and DI resin to save water?

    I am in alameda with the same kind of TDS. I use micron/chlormine/carbon, then just DI.
  4. Thales

    Ofzakaria tigertail sea cucumber

    Please remove me from this. I am terrible and following up, which is why I don't participate. And, see previous post. Thanks
  5. Thales

    Ofzakaria tigertail sea cucumber

    When I recieved this I was unaware that it was part of DBTC. Other than that, it is doing fine, I have not noticed any splitting
  6. Thales

    Harlequin Shrimp not interested in a choc chip starfish.

    Sadly, that does not work.
  7. Thales

    Harlequin Shrimp not interested in a choc chip starfish.

    I have never found cc stars to be a good foor for harly's. Legs are small, and number of tube feet are small, and cc stars are really hard. I woud pick up a fromia or linkia and see what happens.
  8. Thales

    dumb idiot plumbing question

    Ah! Got it. Thanks!
  9. Thales

    dumb idiot plumbing question

    Nah, it's exactly what you posted but all in one. :D
  10. Thales

    dumb idiot plumbing question

    Street El! https://www.homedepot.com/p/DURA-1-2-in-Schedule-40-PVC-90-Spigot-x-Slip-Connection-Street-Elbow-Fitting-C409-005/100344960
  11. Thales

    Hammer Euphyllia sp. spawning event

    Rock. Some Euphyllias are brooders and some are gonochoric. That looks like a sperm release. Very cool
  12. Thales

    Monthly Cocktail and Coral talk at HTA

    I am back. I think my talk was pretty good and am itching to give an updated version and then get input. If that would still be interesting to you, let me know!
  13. Thales

    PSA: heatwave and pge shutdown

    We had an hour with no power in alameda last night. Only one thing that need to change Las wise - new carx pump. Everything else came back online no worries. I’m off to macna now so I hope we don’t get another one while I am gone.
  14. Thales

    The GHA palace - taking care of a work tank

    Thanks! I have sadly found those to be hit an miss - but am trilled that they have worked for you!
  15. Thales

    Temporary lodging

    I am leaving town till the 13th. If I can be helpful after that let me know
  16. Thales

    Rich's home tank

  17. Thales

    PSA: heatwave and pge shutdown

    This one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MN11GV8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 Sitting in a box for a year or two. Make me an offer - pick up in Alameda :D
  18. Thales

    PSA: heatwave and pge shutdown

    I have a generator in box if anyone wants to make me an offer for it. Let me know and I'll get you the model number. I would like it gone.
  19. Thales

    Neptune LLS

    For sure.
  20. Thales

    There was a fire...

    oh boo!