Cali Kid Corals

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  1. Reefinglens

    My journey journal..

    Decided to switch out the IM 14g shelf tank with a 34” long. Drilled and will be plumbed to share the Reefer 250 sump. I’ll be adding a second 360x. Debating on keeping the back clear, paint it black or go half painted and half clear. I really like the look of additional depth in peninsula...
  2. Reefinglens

    I'm back!

    What kind of clowns were you thinking? I have a pair of Ocellaris to help with the cycle if you’re not looking for anything specific.
  3. Reefinglens

    My journey journal..

    Every time I think about doing my cable management on the nano, I start Considering making changes.. New tank possibly?
  4. Reefinglens

    How many fish for a 24 gallon tank

    Clown maybe aggressive toward any additions since it’s only 24 gal and that tank has been it’s home for 7 months now. Be careful about other gobies since you already have the neon, they may fight. My neon is super territorial, but only when anyone swims near his little hold in the rock. And...
  5. Reefinglens

    New from Antioch!

    Welcome @Lingwendil!
  6. Reefinglens

    Coral RX Dip 8oz (unopened exp-05/22)

    Recommended dosage is half compared to Revive, that’s where I would assume higher potency. I use both; dip in coral RX for about 7 minutes, clean salt water rinse then about 8 minutes in revive just incase and another quick salt water rinse before going in. I haven’t had (at least noticed) any...
  7. Reefinglens

    Coral RX Dip 8oz (unopened exp-05/22)

    Just PM me. Located in East Bay
  8. Reefinglens

    My journey journal..

    Been dealing with a back injury for the past week. But being stuck in bed isn’t so bad when you have a good view. Lol
  9. Reefinglens

    Setting Up New Tank + Marine Pure Block Questions

    Marine pure bio media hold exponential surface area in comparison to live rock (so they state) I’ve used their big blocks (8x8x4”) in the past on my previous 90 gallon and have had great success. I still use bioblocks but have switched to maxspect nano tech as they’re only 4x4x1” blocks. To...
  10. Reefinglens

    My journey journal..

    New fun little 14g shelf build. This will be a little nem tank with 2 black storm clowns a Helfrichi fire fish, a harlequin shrimp and a couple scarlet hermits. I’ve been working on this project for about a week now. Buying material and planning out the shelf, bought the tank on...
  11. Reefinglens

    My journey journal..

    “You can’t have more than 1 Zebrasoma in a tank” -by no means am I recommending it for anyone or everyone to try, but with a good balance of hiding and open area, keeping the tank well fed and an appropriate system to handle the bioload. Definitely do-able. These guys have been together for 3...
  12. Reefinglens

    Opinions requested about UV sterilizers

    No input to give with this topic because I’ve just recently also considered running 2 UV sterilizers for the same reason- to accomplish both lvl 1 & 2 in my display. And running UV for lvl 2 on my Holding QT. I’ve only watched a handful of videos and read a few articles, and there seems to be A...
  13. Reefinglens

    Arvin's first reef tank (part 2)

    The only problem with allowing the GHA to grow in the fuge is that it sticks to the glass, sand, rocks, everything. It will still help export the nutrients if that’s your only goal. But it will still always be in your display as well. Chaeto is to be considered as a clean macro algae which...
  14. Reefinglens

    My journey journal..

    Hanging it up for the day. ✌
  15. Reefinglens

    Free Peppermint Shrimp all gone

    Thanks @DaddyHook!
  16. Reefinglens

    55 gallon tank

  17. Reefinglens

    Dozens of tentacles?!

    Just look them up and seems to be about right. Thanks! Actually really cool little critters
  18. Reefinglens

    Dozens of tentacles?!

    The title may or may no be an over exaggeration.. any help IDing this (or these) thing?! I barely noticed it, saw one tentacle waiving around and thought it was a piece of hair or something, then I took a closer look. Wish I could add a video.
  19. Reefinglens

    5 gallon containers

    I have two 5 gallons containers but no lids.
  20. Reefinglens

    Two blue tangs, porcupine puffer, huma huma and six clowns

    I have heard of some puffers munching on stony coral, and also seen people successfully keep them in large mixed reefs. As with anything in this hobby, There are always the many variables and questions. Does the this particular puffer have a taste or interest in sps? You can quarantine him...