Cali Kid Corals

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  1. B

    Reef Hobbyist 40B

    beautiful rock anemone! I can't wait for the next group buy :)
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    Reef Hobbyist 40B

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    Medical Coral?

    that makes sense! and here i was thinking he had some magical forumla...
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    Medical Coral?

    WOW... i want to know what he has learned though... to make it grow 10x the natural rate. as home aquarists, we struggle to even meet the natural rates!
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    Reef Hobbyist 40B

    I clean my screen once a week. I usually get about half a cup of algae for my 55g.
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    Tell me this is not ich!

    i believe it is because its at a higher level and when it aerates, then the PH goes up, and causes it to precipitate... or something like that... as Philip mentioned earlier though, the fish won't care so it should be okay.
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    Tell me this is not ich!

    calcium carbonate precipitation is what I remember hearing. it happens when i mix up my IO RC for several days and i get this white residue on my buckets
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    Tell me this is not ich!

    the daily water changes arent that tough especially with a small volume. you'd only be changing like 1-2 gallons a day and you can have it all pre-mixed in buckets for a few week at a time.
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    Tell me this is not ich!

    Mark is correct. you need to change water VERY often. I had 2 fish in a 5 g QT and i needed to change water pretty much every day to every other day. 5 in a 5g would for sure warrant everyday. also remember that you need to aerate and heat the tank too. the fish will die if you do not...
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    Tell me this is not ich!

    before rushing into too much here... do your other fish show any symptoms? is it just the clowns? a fish trap will easily catch the clowns, or a big net. A fish trap has a good chance to catch the others also. one thing you could do is to cut off the end of a soda bottle, tie a string to the...
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    Reef Hobbyist 40B

    very nice corals! I would move the lights back a little from the ATS. They need to be about 4-6 inches from the screen for the bulbs you have.
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    Hard time maintaining params, need dosing advise

    I will test mine. After reading this thread, it makes me want to do a small water change... lol. I'll make some water tonight and throw some salt in and measure tomorrow evening.
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    Hard time maintaining params, need dosing advise

    what dosing methods are you using? I'm on IO RC. my alk consumption is way faster than my cal and I'm looking for some alternatives to adding baking soda in my ATO every week.
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    Hard time maintaining params, need dosing advise

    how's your tank doing? if it's doing fine, then you aren't using the wrong salt :)
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    Hard time maintaining params, need dosing advise

    you honestly have to check to see where you want your parameters, and see where your salt mix will measure at when its freshly mixed. you may also have to supplement your freshly mixed water. If your mix gives you 8 alk, but your tank lives at 12, then you want to add. Similarly with calcium...
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    Hard time maintaining params, need dosing advise

    That Hanna phosphate checker is looking better now isn't it ;). Mag is usually ok with water changes. Do you make sure your salt is very well mixed in the bag or bucket prior to making water? It could be that you have an uneven salt mix and it just needs to be tumbled around to get proper salt...
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    Can't wait! Let us all know when the grand opening is and we will all be there! or maybe a pre-opening tour/sale???
  18. B

    Tank Aquascaping project

    My GSP is like the bird flu. It sends out feelers to other rocks nearby and tries to hook onto them (very slowly of course). I had to snip some yesterady to prevent it from spreading onto some nearby rocks. My overflow is pretty safe from their growth since there's not enough light there and...
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    Tank Aquascaping project

    my main concern with the GSP is that they spread like weeds. I would love for it to stay on the egg crate/back glass, but how do i prevent it from spreading to the rocks leaning against the glass? I just glued over a patch on a rock that it spread to so that it wouldn't "infect" the rest of...